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Young Dakal clan landowner Desmond Lindsay visits a Wilton River Australian rock art site for the first time. Most sites are remote and often impossible to approach in a vehicle. Source: Mimal Land Management Aboriginal Corporation (MLMAC) / Flinders University  By

‘Unbiased’ Computer Software Learns To Decipher Australian Rock Art

Archaeologists in the Wilton River area of Australia have used computer software to read and understand Australian rock art from over a thousand years ago. The software was trained to spot different...
Christian group burns ‘satanic objects’ in bonfire. Credit: Andris / Adobe Stock

Christian Missionary Demands Australian Aboriginals Burn ‘Satanic’ Cultural Relics

A group of extreme Christian missionaries is causing irreversible trouble in outback Wangkatjungka, in Australia, by burning sacred Aboriginal objects because they are “all from the devil”, while...
Tayal Objects Taiwan, late 19th century. Royal Antario Museum

Niumatou Site: An Archaeological Preservation of Taiwan’s Lost Aborigines

As long as 5,500 years ago the Formosan, Taiwan’s indigenous peoples, lived in small settlements in relative isolation along the coastal terrace in the Taichung (formerly Niumatou) basin areas. The...
New Language Spawned in Remote Australian Town and Only 350 People Can Speak It

New Language Spawned in Remote Australian Town and Only 350 People Can Speak It

It is not every day that a new and unique language is discovered, but this finding really has anthropologists stumped. In a tiny, remote Aboriginal community in outback Australia, an American...
Archaeologists hope to learn more about pre-contact Aboriginal Australians from this skeleton and from architectural features in the landscape where it was found

Remote Australian Archaeological Site Provides More Evidence to Refute Traditional Theory of Entirely Nomadic Aborigines

Were the Australian Aborigines of years ago really hunter-gatherers, or did some have settled lives in villages with agriculture and architectural features? Some archaeologists are exploring this new...
Bradshaw rock paintings found in the north-west Kimberley region of Western Australia.

Australian Aborigine Creation Stories: Rainbow Serpent and Emus in the Stars

Down under all is still and dark, the spirits of the Earth are sleeping. It is the Dreamtime. There are many different Dreamtime stories that vary from region to region and from people to people...
Koalas: Dreamtime Legends, Ancient Symbols, and their Dangerous Prehistoric Ancestors

Koalas: Dreamtime Legends, Ancient Symbols, and their Dangerous Prehistoric Ancestors

The koala is a major draw for Australian zoos and wildlife parks. They are featured heavily in Australia-related advertisements, cartoons, and soft toys. If one were to name the animal most closely...
The Blombos Rocks

The Blombos Rocks: are they Crude Imitations of an Original Australian artifact?

An extremely unusual engraved rock was found in 1990 by a woman named Ros when building a new brick home located within two kilometres of the enigmatic Bambara Hieroglyphs, located in Gosford, New...
Aboriginal Sticks - Communication System

Aboriginal message sticks and an ancient system of communication

Throughout Australia, it is said that there are over 200 Aboriginal languages and 600 dialects, but apparently no writing system for recording the spoken word. How then were messages transmitted...
Star Betelgeuse

Australian Aboriginals knew of variable star Betelgeuse before European astronomers

Recent research published in the Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage suggests that an ancient Aboriginal love story written in the sky reveals their knowledge of variability in the star...
Ancient tools in Australia

Ancient tools evolved in Australia thousands of years before they appeared in Europe

Australia receives relatively little attention in academic literature when it comes to examining the origins and development of ancient weapons and tools. But neglecting to examine the capabilities...
Mungo Man - Australia

The Mungo Man fossil Which Challenged Out of Africa theory

Mungo Man is the name given to the remains of the oldest anatomically modern human found in Australia to date and one of the oldest Homo sapien skeletons outside of Africa. Initially dated at 60,000-...
Aboriginals Chained - Australia

Australia Day or Invasion Day?

As an Australian, I have fond memories of Australia Day celebrations. I would sit on my father’s shoulders waving my Australian flag as we watched hundreds of boats crowd the harbour. I was always...