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Zhou dynasty

How Confucianism Shaped Chinese Culture and Legacy (Video)

Confucianism, originating during the Zhou dynasty , emerged as a philosophy emphasizing moral principles and societal harmony, devoid of the supernatural elements common in many other religious...
Ancient China’s historic tradition and culture in a classic wall drawing in watercolor Asian style. Source: Matrioshka/Adobe Stock

Ancient China History Unveiled: Dynasties and Inventions (Video)

Ancient China's rich history, dynasties, and innovative spirit have left an enduring impact. From the mythical creation stories to scientific evidence of Homo erectus settling two million years ago,...
Zhou Dynasty Emperor’s tomb was uncovered in China, belonging to the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Source: CASS

Stacked 1,400-Year-Old Zhou Dynasty Emperor’s Tomb Uncovered in China

Archaeologists in Shaanxi Province, northwest China, have discovered the tomb of Emperor Xiaomin (birth name Yuwen Jue), the founding emperor of the Northern Zhou Dynasty (557-581). Emperor Xiaomin's...
Researcher Li Nan, from Peking University, pictured with her team, holding the foot amputation evidence that was subjected to biomedical analysis. Source: South China Morning Post

Punishment: 3000-year-old Chinese Foot Amputation May Be Oldest Ever!

Researchers in China believe a skeleton found in a tomb in the northwest of the country is the earliest known example of foot amputation as punishment for a crime, reports the South China Morning...
The oldest Chinese spade coin found at Guanzhuang, reconstructed with the tip reconstructed based on a coin mold from the site. Source: H. Zhao / Antiquity Publications Ltd

Fragments of Chinese Coins Are Evidence of World’s Oldest Minting Site

Archaeologists have long been preoccupied with understanding the origins of metal coinage and monetization. Now, a team working in the Henan Province of China has discovered an early minting site at...
Traditional Chinese style sculpture depicting a mother and baby. New research on baby teeth suggests gender inequality was present from infancy. Source: junrong /Adobe Stock

Do Ancient Baby Teeth Really Prove Sexism In Ancient China?

Scientists analyzing 2500-year-old baby teeth have revealed evidence of gender inequality during Bronze Age China. Feminism encompasses ideologies to achieve the social, political, and economic...
Chinese empress. Credit: wichansumalee / Adobe Stock

The Reign of Wu Zetian: From Concubine to Empress to… Emperor!

There are rarely any parts of our history more intriguing and interesting than the chronicles of ancient China . Full of unique cultural traits, obscure and colorful mythologies, and above all...
I Ching disk.

The I Ching: Ancient ‘Book of Changes’ That Provides A Personal Path of Balance and Harmony AND Predicts Your Future!

The I Ching (commonly translated as ‘Book of Changes’ or ‘Classic of Changes’) is an ancient philosophical Chinese text and one of the most important books in world literature. It is the oldest of...
The Great Wall of China near Beijing

The Great Wall of China Construction Project that Spanned Generations, Centuries and Dynasties

The Great Wall of China (known also as the ‘Wanli Changcheng’ or ‘10000 Li Wall’) is one of China’s most iconic structures . This is the longest wall in the world, and one of the largest construction...
Archaeologists excavate the Zheng State No. 3 pit in Xinzheng city, Central China's Henan province, on July 12. (Image credit: VCG)

2400-year-old Chariot Dubbed an Ancient Limousine Discovered in Central China

Archaeologists have recently discovered a "limousine" that once belonged to the Lord of Zheng State. The unusual find dates back 2,400 years and was uncovered by a team of archaeologists which has...
The chariot with horse skeletons at left in the grave (Photo by Chinese Archaeology)

An honored Zhou Dynasty warrior, buried with a chariot and horses, has been unearthed in China

There is a legend about the battle of Muye in 1046 BC, fought between the 50,000 soldiers of the ancient Chinese Zhou Dynasty and 700,000 from the Shang Dynasty. The legend says Shang soldiers were...
Chinese warrior with sword

3000-year-old bronze sword discovered in China

An 11-year-old boy was washing his hands in the Laozhoulin River in Gaoyou County, China, when he felt something hard and metallic. He pulled out the object and found that it was a rusty sword, now...