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Stonehenge, Salisbury, England        Source:  jitchanamont/Adobe Stock

The Mysteries of Stonehenge Revealed (Video)

Stonehenge , an iconic Neolithic marvel, unveils a tapestry of enigmatic secrets beyond its towering stones. Amidst its grandeur lies a forgotten narrative of human settlement, as Stonehenge once...
A reconstruction of Germany's Pömmelte.

Evidence of Human Sacrifice and Death Rituals Found at the German Woodhenge

The 4,300 year old woodhenge of Pömmelte in Germany is finally beginning to give up its secrets - and some of the information we’re learning is quite grisly. The battered skeletons of women and...
Aerial photo of woodhenge discovered at Little Catwick Quarry, Yorkshire.

Yorkshire’s First Woodhenge May have Served as an Ancient Sauna

A team of archaeologists from Yorkshire have uncovered a 4,000-year-old “woodhenge,” thus a wooden circle that some now believe might have been used as a sauna. East Yorkshire’s First Woodhenge...
5,600-Year-Old Ceremonial Center Found Near Stonehenge, Built 1,000 Years Before Stone Circle was Erected

5,600-Year-Old Ceremonial Center Found Near Stonehenge, Built 1,000 Years Before Stone Circle was Erected

Picture people 5,650 years ago gorging on huge amounts of beef, smashing large decorated bowls that may have held broth or other liquids and possibly smashing human skulls. They apparently did all...
Main: An aerial photograph of Durrington Walls. In the North, West and South, a line of trees handily outlines the shape of the bank, a faint impression can be seen in the East, however, to the right of the road. The River Avon, and the area where the avenue connected it to Durrington Walls, can be seen in the bottom-right ( Inset: An illustration of a similar wooden henge located at Cairnpapple Hill, Scotland.

Remnants of Gigantic Wooden Henge Found Two Miles from Stonehenge

Archaeologists carrying out excavations at the Durrington Walls earthworks, just two miles from the world-famous stone circle of Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England, have discovered evidence of an...
The reconstruction of Ringheiligtum Pömmelte

4,300-Year-Old Woodhenge in Germany Revealed to the Public for First Time

The so-called German Stonehenge near Pommelte, where there was apparent human sacrifice, has been under reconstruction for several years and has just opened to the public for the first time. The 4,...