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Excavations of the Neolthic burial mounds at Eulenberg have revealed wooden graves with multiple occupants. Source: LDA / Heritage Daily.

6,000 Year Old Neolithic Burial Mounds were Later Used for Ritual Sacrifice!

A complex Neolithic burial with two monumental mounds has been unearthed on the Eulenberg near Magdeburg, Germany. Dated to 6,000-years-ago, the year long excavation has yielded these two mounds at a...
Crafted by the Fang people in Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon, Fang masks are intricate wooden creations known for their stylized designs.

Elderly Couple 'Cheated' On Rare Fang Mask, Resold for $4.4 Million

Much of the erstwhile colonized world is still in legal and ethical tussles with their former colonizers, in an effort to retrieve precious artifacts and treasures that belong to their people. France...
Left; Kalambo Falls, Zambia where the oldest wooden structure was found. Right: the excavation team uncovering the ancient wood.	Source: Left; Professor Geoff Duller/Nature, Right; Professor Larry Barham/Nature

World’s Oldest Wooden Structure Found in Zambia – It’s Half a Million Years Old!

At the Kalambo Falls archaeological site in northeastern Zambia , archaeologists recovered specimens of ancient wood in the form of logs that had been preserved in waterlogged sand next to the...
The reconstructed Sweet Track is a walkway aged 5830 years, situated in England's Somerset Levels. Source: International Journal of Heritage Studies/CC BY 4.0

Sweet Track, a 6,000-year-old Testament of Prehistoric Ingenuity

Ancient history, before the major civilizations emerged, is a world full of secrets and hidden knowledge. People often have a skewed view of these periods of humanity, thinking that the people of the...
The Boxford Timber discovered in Berkshire. At more than 6,000 years old, it is Britain's oldest carved wood.    Source: © Derek Fawcett/Historic England

Britain's Oldest Wooden Artifact Found With Curious Carvings

This special piece of timber was unearthed on a building site in the village of Boxford in Berkshire, England. Decorated with mysterious carvings, this rare wooden artifact has been compared to...
The wooden phallus discovered at Vindolanda exhibited smooth surfaces on both ends, suggesting that it had been subject to repeated handling over an extended period. Source: Newcastle University.

2,000-Year-Old Roman Phallus Could Be Oldest Known Sex Toy

In what is perhaps the oldest sex toy ever found in Britain, a 2,000-year-old Roman phallus is the subject of a new study. Found in 1992 near the Roman fort of Vindolanda near Hadrian’s Wall , the...
The face of the Chimu culture wooden Chan Chan sculpture recently discovered on the periphery of the giant Chan Chan complex near Trujillo, Peru. Source: Decentralized Directorate of Culture of La Libertad / Peruvian government

Perfectly Preserved Chimu Sculpture Found at Chan Chan, Peru

A perfectly preserved Peruvian Chimu culture sculpture in the form of an intriguing wooden figure, has been found at a ceremonial center near Chan Chan, Trujillo in northern Peru. Dated between 850...
An amazing wooden mask found among the latest Aztec artifacts’ discoveries at Templo Mayor in central Mexico City. Source: Mirsa Islas Orozco / INAH

Mexican Archaeologists Find Over 2,500 Rare Wooden Aztec Artifacts!

Archaeologists in Mexico unearthed one of the largest and most impressive collections of Aztec artifacts ever found, just northeast of the central plaza of Mexico City. This incredible Aztec artifact...
Three-dimensional modeling showing the way into a Neolithic Anatolian house and the position of the furnace oven under the 8,500-year-old Çatalhöyük ladder recently unearthed at the Turkish site.						Source: Grant Cox / Arkeonews

A First of Its Kind - 8,500-Year-Old Wooden Ladder Found at Çatalhöyük

Turkey’s Çatalhöyük settlement, which developed between 7,500 BC and 6,400 BC, is often referred to as the world’s first, and oldest, metropolitan city, and for good reason. The two most revealing...
The ancient butter dish found on Loch Tay, Scotland, dating from the Iron Age            Source: Scottish Crannog Centre

Ancient Butter Dish Found in Scottish Lake Still Held Butter

Researchers have found an unusual but especially important discovery in a Scottish lake : an ancient butter dish, made of wood, that has miraculously survived in water, for over two millennia. This...
The oldest wooden structure unearthed at the excavation site in Czech Republic.        Source: Michal Rybníček / Mendel University

Stone Age Well is World’s Oldest Wooden Structure

In ancient past, the majority of architectural structures and buildings were made of wood. This has meant that many structures have decayed and been lost in history. However, in the Czech Republic ,...
Part of the Corlea Trackway.

Corlea Trackway Holds the Echoes of 2000-year-old Footsteps

The Corlea Trackway (known also in Irish as Bóthar Chorr Liath ) is a timber trackway dating to the Iron Age. This ancient trackway is located near Keenagh, a village to the south of Longford, in...
Reconstruction of a Neanderthal holding a spear

Oldest Neanderthal Wooden Tools Found in Spain Were Made 90,000 Years Ago

Archaeological excavations in Northern Spain have revealed several episodes of Neanderthal occupations with preserved wooden remains. The excavation revealed two very well preserved wooden tools; one...
Handle of one of the wooden tools from the Poggetti Vecchi site.

171,000-Year-Old Fire Forged Tool Discovered Beneath a Giant Elephant

171,000 years ago, in Tuscany, a set of ancient tools were crafted and forged with fire. Archaeologists in Florence, Italy, made an incredible discovery during construction work at Poggetti Vecchi. A...
The Viking weaver’s sword found at the South Main Street dig in Cork

1,000-year-old Viking Sword in Extraordinary Condition Discovered in Ireland

A 1,000-year-old wooden Viking weaver’s sword has been unearthed by archaeologists at the historic site of the former Beamish and Crawford brewery in Cork city, Ireland. Experts describe the sword as...
New Revelations When 3,000-Year-Old Prosthetic Toe is Examined with Cutting Edge Technology

New Revelations When 3,000-Year-Old Prosthetic Toe is Examined with Cutting Edge Technology

Egyptologists from the University of Basel have discovered details of production techniques and usage of one of the oldest prosthetic devices in history after re-examining it with the help of other...
An aerial view of the site where two massive wooden palisades once stood of the landscape.

Mysterious Monument in Stonehenge Landscape Suggests Fire Rituals 5,800 Years Ago

Two intriguing circles near Stonehenge in England were built about 800 years before the world-renowned stone monument, and were once composed of timber posts that came from around 4,000 trees...
Burial Site of Siberian Archer with Intricate Arrows Unearthed in Altai Republic

Burial Site of Siberian Archer with Intricate Arrows Unearthed in Altai Republic

By The Siberian Times Reporter Medieval archer's 'unique quiver' and arrows with iron tips found in hole in a cliff, along with his wooden sarcophagus. Two local residents accidentally stumbled...
Main: An aerial photograph of Durrington Walls. In the North, West and South, a line of trees handily outlines the shape of the bank, a faint impression can be seen in the East, however, to the right of the road. The River Avon, and the area where the avenue connected it to Durrington Walls, can be seen in the bottom-right ( Inset: An illustration of a similar wooden henge located at Cairnpapple Hill, Scotland.

Remnants of Gigantic Wooden Henge Found Two Miles from Stonehenge

Archaeologists carrying out excavations at the Durrington Walls earthworks, just two miles from the world-famous stone circle of Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England, have discovered evidence of an...
: Invention of the wheel, in earliest forms. Source: KosshkaMebiusa/Adobe Stock

A Revolutionary Invention: Tracing the Origins of Ancient Wheels

A Revolutionary Invention: Tracing the Origins of Ancient Wheels In today’s world, technology is developing at an unprecedented rate. The latest gadget today is tomorrow’s antique. As a result of...
Ancient equivalent of tablet computer in Turkey

Ancient equivalent of tablet computer found in Turkey dig

Archaeologists digging at the ancient archaeological site of Yenikapı in Turkey have uncovered a wooden notebook, a Byzantine invention which they say is the ancient equivalent of a tablet computer...
Neolithic Tridents

Mystery of the Neolithic Tridents

A museum in England has just placed two rare wooden tridents on display . The strange artefacts date back to Neolithic times and despite much analysis and debate, the use and purpose of the objects...
Largest Iron Age monument

Swedish archaeologists uncover country’s largest Iron Age monument

Archaeologists in Sweden have uncovered the country’s largest Iron Age monument in Old Uppsala , an ancient pagan religious site. The remains of two rows of colonnades dating back to the 5 th century...
Ancient Japanese Mask

World’s Oldest Japanese Mask Unearthed

Archaeologists have unearthed a fragment of the oldest known Japanese mask at the Daifuku archaeological site in Japan. The finding suggests possible cultural links between this area of western Japan...