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The Anubis four-legged whale as depicted by palaeontologist Robert W. Boessenecker, a professor at the College of Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina, USA.		Source: Robert W. Boessenecker / College of Charleston

Four-Legged Whale Found in Egypt Named after Egyptian God Anubis

Egyptian paleontologists have identified a new four-legged whale species that walked on land more than 43 million years ago. The fossilized partial skeleton of this exotic creature was discovered in...
Sea Monsters in the Desert? Remains of Cuddly Sea Cow Discovered in Egypt

Sea Monsters in the Desert? Remains of Cuddly Sea Cow Discovered in Egypt

In 2019, a team of scientists excavating in the scorched sands of ancient Egypt, far from the royal burial zone at Saqqara with its mummified animals and birds, uncovered the remains of a giant...
A scene from In the Heart of the Sea

In the Heart of the Sea: The Horrific True Story Behind Moby-Dick

A man winds his way through the muck and mire of a 19th-century American port – Nantucket, centre of the world’s whaling industry. He knocks on a door, enters, and begs an exhausted looking man to...
Illustration of a range of 'sea monsters' in Carta Marina (Ocean Map)

Aspidochelone: A Giant Sea Monster of the Ancient World and an Allegorical Beast

In ancient Greece there was a large and dangerous sea monster called the aspidochelone , which could be translated as asp-turtle . The people who described it for centuries probably just saw a whale...
Floating Islands - Myth and Reality

Floating Islands Seen at Sea: Myth and Reality – Part 2

(Read Part 1 ) Floating islands do indeed exist on six of the seven continents; they may have trees growing upon them, be hundreds of meters across, and support the weight of humans living upon them...
Floating Islands - Myth and Reality

Floating Islands Seen at Sea: Myth and Reality

A floating island—can such a thing exist? Can the chunks of the solid earth on which we stand drift easily about the surface of a body of water? The idea of a floating island seems impossible,...