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Evidence in East England has revealed that there were Roman vineyards in the area. Source: mythja / Adobe Stock

Make Wine Not War: Digs in England Reveal 1st Century Roman Vineyard

Excavations in Cambridgeshire, England, recently produced evidence to suggest that Roman winemakers were active in the region in the first century, possibly as early as 43 AD. This was the time of...
Three Greek youths wonder where the wine has gone. Paestum, 470 BC. Source: BlackMac / Adobe Stock.

Heavily Seasoned: Why did the Ancients Like Salty Wine?

The history of wine stretches back to around 6,000 BC in the country of Georgia near the Caucasus mountains. However, knowledge of the wine and the wine-making process is scant at best. The most in-...
Roman mosaic floor unearthed in Negrar di Valpolicella, Italy .           Source: Comune di Negrar di Valpolicella

Pristine Roman Mosaic Floor Found Under Vineyard In Italy

In Italy, archaeologists, have unearthed a beautiful and perfectly preserved Roman mosaic floor. Experts found the decorated floor, under a vineyard. The pristine condition of the mosaic has amazed...
The church at Calera de las Huérfanas

A Lime Quarry for Orphans at Calera de las Huérfanas

Many archaeological sites and ruins from the colonial period are to be found in the former colonies of the Spanish Empire, and the Republic of Uruguay is no exception. Calera de las Huérfanas is one...
Grape DNA sources around Europe had been connected with ancient Roman seeds.    Source: Grecaud Paul / Adobe Stock

French Wine With a Hint of Rome Revealed By Ancient Grape DNA

Seeds of grapes used in the production of wine, found in archaeological sites across Europe, have been genetically tested and tell a story of continuity from ancient Rome until this very day. It...
Ancient Well, Etruscan and Roman

Ancient well sheds light on 1,500 years of Etruscan, Roman and medieval civilization

During a four-year excavation of an Etruscan well at the ancient Italian settlement of Cetamura del Chianti, a team led by a Florida State University archaeologist and art historian unearthed...
Egypt Wine Guards

Egyptian Grape Guards Ancient Contract Decoded

I agree that I have made a contract with you on the condition that I guard your property, a vineyard near the village Panoouei, from the present day until vintage and transport, so that there be no...
Oldest Roman irrigation system in Britain

Archaeologists uncover oldest Roman irrigation system in Britain

Excavations at a £1 billion housing development site at Cambridge University in England have revealed what archaeologists believe is Britain’s oldest-known Roman irrigation system . In addition to...