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Detail of the Huastec statue which was discovered in Mexico. Source: INAH

Statue of Huastec ‘Boss’ Found by Road Workers in Mexico

Road works in Hidalgo, Mexico, hit a snag when workers unearthed a rare stone statue. Turns out, it's a boss-level indigenous ruler who got relocated for his own safety, according to Mexican...
Hernan Cortes: The Conquistador Who Beat the Aztecs

Hernan Cortes: The Conquistador Who Beat the Aztecs

Hernan Cortes was a Spanish conquistador who lived between the 15th and 16th centuries AD. He is best remembered for his expedition against the Aztec Empire centered in Mexico. This was part of the...
Mexican Farmers Unearth Ancient Statue of Elite Mesoamerican Woman

Mexican Farmers Unearth Ancient Statue of Elite Mesoamerican Woman

Farmers tilling the soil in a citrus grove in the Huasteca region along Mexico ’s Gulf Coast unearthed something ancient and unusual. Hitting a hard object they assumed was a rock, the farmers dug...
El Tajín

El Tajín, The Lost City of a Mysterious People

In recent decades many lost cities have been uncovered by archaeologists or explorers. One of the most mysterious is the ancient city of El Tajín in the state of Veracruz, Mexico . The city was...
Graves and Pyramids in Mexico

Construction workers stumble upon 2,000-year-old Ancient Settlement in Mexico

Construction work taking place in the town of Jaltipan, southeast of Veracruz in Mexico, has uncovered an ancient settlement dating back 2,000 years . So far, archaeologists have found 30 skeletons,...
Petroglyphs at Veracruz, Mexico

Interesting petroglyphs found in Mexico

Petroglyphs found in Veracruz, at the foot of mountain Cerro del Sombrerete appear to depict a priest or another type of man dressed in some type of a ceremonial suit. A set of petroglyphs were...