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Study of Ushabti Copper Origins Enlightens Egypt’s Dark Age

While many archaeologists focus on the symbolic meaning of recovered temple treasures and grave goods, others concentrate on their origin stories. In this case a team of scientists have used high...
Treasure Trove of Discoveries Unearthed in Egypt’s Saqqara Necropolis

Treasure Trove of Discoveries Unearthed in Egypt’s Saqqara Necropolis

The vast archaeological site of Saqqara is located about 30 km (19 mi) south of modern-day Cairo in Egypt and it’s home to the earliest and first documented pyramid, the Unas, the famous Step Pyramid...
Sarcophagus of Egyptian woman opened at press conference.

Stunning 3,000-year-old Sarcophagus Opened Live In Front of International Press Conference

Two ancient sarcophagi were unearthed earlier this month from beneath the baking Egyptian sands by a French-led archaeological mission, affiliated with France's University of Strasbourg. They were...
Mummies of a woman and two children found in burial chamber at Draa Abul Naga, Luxor

Rich Pickings in Luxor As Two Family Tombs are Found Including that of a Royal Goldsmith

In ongoing explorations of a necropolis at Luxor, archaeologists have opened a new tomb and the findings have been rich. Amongst the 3,500-year-old treasures are jewels, sarcophagi, pottery and four...
Collection of Egyptian Art, design by Anand Balaji

Life after Life: Guidebook to Conquering Dangerous Demons and Dark Waters in Duat – Part II

One of the pivots for the successful implementation of ‘heka’, the ancient Egyptian term for magic, was words – both spoken and written – and the latter was considered the most powerful form. Scores...
Collection of Egyptian Art, design by Anand Balaji

Life after Life: In the Quest for Eternity, Death is Only the Beginning – Part I

The ancient Egyptians took great care to prepare for the Afterlife. In fact, they were so meticulous about getting every minute detail in order, that to us they come across as having been obsessed...
A well-preserved wooden coffin found inside the tomb of an ancient noble in Luxor, Egypt.

Egyptian Archaeologists Reveal Massive 3500-Year-Old Tomb Contains Mummies and Thousands of Artifacts

Egyptian archaeologists in Luxor have discovered a massive ancient tomb in the city's west bank area dating back to the 18th Dynasty. The 3,500-year-old tomb contains thousands of valuable artifacts...
Egyptian Tomb

New details emerge on latest discovery of Egyptian tomb and treasure trove

On Saturday, we reported on the incredible finding of an ancient tomb containing a well-preserved Egyptian mummy in a limestone sarcophagus and a collection of 180 ushabti figurines in a newly-...
Egypt Ancient Tomb

Ancient tomb containing mummy and 180 figurines found in Egypt

An ancient tomb containing a well-preserved Egyptian mummy in a limestone sarcophagus and a collection of 180 ushabti figurines have been found in a newly-discovered tomb in Egypt’s northern province...