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Mary E. Naples ---

With an emphasis in Women’s Studies, Mary E. Naples has an M.A. in Humanities from Dominican University of California. Having traveled throughout the Mediterranean, she has a deep love of the classical world. Her most recent academic achievement was completing her Master’s thesis in May 2013 with a paper entitled “Demeter’s Daughter’s: How the Myth of the Captured Bride Helped Spur Feminine Consciousness in Ancient Greece.”


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‘L’enlèvement de Proserpine’ (The Rape of Proserpine) (circa 1636) by Peter Paul Rubens.

The Rape of a Goddess: How Demeter Beat the All-Powerful Zeus

Who were Demeter and Persephone? And why did their myth resonate so strongly with women of ancient Greece? The story of Demeter, goddess of the harvest, and her daughter Persephone, queen of the...