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Aerial view of the Western Gokturk period complex discovered in Kazakhstan.	Source: TRT Haber

Huge Turkic Khaganate Cult Complex Changes History of the Steppe

In a remote valley in the Tarbagatay district of Kazakhstan's Eastern region, archaeologists have unearthed a Turkic Khaganate cult complex, dating back to the Western Göktürk Period, 6th- 8th...
Mural of Turkic cavalry, Beshbalik (10th Century)(CC0)

The 751 AD Battle Of Talas Deciding The Fate Of Medieval Central Asia

In the eighth century, as Charlemagne forged his European empire, and the Vikings emerged from the bowels of Scandinavia as the most fearsome raiders of their time, fierce battles raged...
The Triumphs of Tonyukuk the Wise, Supreme Commander and Kingmaker

The Triumphs of Tonyukuk the Wise, Supreme Commander and Kingmaker

Today the steles of Tonyukuk the Wise are situated at an immensely popular and historical 1300-year-old memorial site. It is located northwest of Bayantsogt Mountain in Erdene Soum, Mongolia...
The Seljuks invaded Central Asia and Southeast Russia in the 11th century.

The Seljuks: Nomads Who Built an Empire and Took On Byzantine Power

The Seljuk Empire was a medieval empire that existed between the 11th and 12th centuries. They are most famous for their invasions and battles against the Byzantine Empire and later their role in the...
Open Sky and a Yurt in the Orkhon Valley

The Tapestry of Early Turkic Myth is Woven with Tales of Wolves, Horses and a Great Tree of Life

Turkic peoples comprise a variety of ethnic groups living in northern, eastern, central and western Asia, northwestern China and some parts of eastern Europe. Historically they were established in...
Tughlaqabad Fort and the Curse of a Sufi Mystic

Tughlaqabad Fort and the Curse of a Sufi Mystic

Tughlaqabad Fort is a medieval stronghold located in Delhi, India. The fort was built during the 14 th century, and once served as a symbol of the might and power of the Tughlaq Dynasty, a Muslim...
The Ancient Practice of Tengriism, Shamanism and Ancient Worship of the Sky Gods

The Ancient Practice of Tengriism, Shamanism and Ancient Worship of the Sky Gods

In ancient times, people in Central Asia practiced a religion known as Tengriism, which focused on living in harmony with the natural universe. While this religion was founded and most widely...
Ancient instrument Turkic warrior burial in Kazakhstan

Ancient instrument found in Turkic warrior burial in Kazakhstan

In a string of archaeological discoveries, Kazakhstani scientists have now found what looks like an ancient musical instrument. The discovery was made in Altai in East Kazakhstan Oblast, Tengrinews...