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Cenobio de Valeron, Gran Canaria     Source: Tamara Kulikova / Adobe Stock

Cenobio de Valeron: 350 Small Caves Create Confusion in the Canary Islands

The strange appearance of the cavities that comprise the immense Cenobio de Valeron archaeological site in the Canary Islands caused confusion for Spanish colonizers and early scholars. They...
Haifa University Prof. Danny Rosenberg holds the 7,200-year-old model clay grain silo found at Tel Tsaf in the Jordan Valley.

7,200-year-old Vessel Tells of the Rise of the Elites

The oldest evidence of food storage rituals has been found by researchers from the University of Haifa and the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) in Berlin during excavations at the prehistoric...
Could Frozen Seeds Save the Future? Scientists Bring a 32,000-year-old Seed Back to Life

Could Frozen Seeds Save the Future? Scientists Bring a 32,000-year-old Seed Back to Life

Far away on the remote island of Spitsbergen in the Artic Svalbard archipelago lies humanity’s fail-safe storage of seeds. With the threat of natural and man-made disasters looming in the future, the...
Mile long band of mysterious and unexplained holes in Pisco Valley – Peru.

The Mysterious Holes of Peru: A Pre-Columbian Domestic Water Source for Trans-Oceanic Travelers? Part I

No really serious attention has been paid by scientists to resolve the mystery of nearly 7000 'pits' that snake their way for almost one mile across the rugged Cajamarquilla Plain bordering the Pisco...
Ancient subterranean city of Cappadocia

Ancient subterranean city of Cappadocia takes on a new purpose

For thousands of years, people have inhabited caves and tunnels in the Cappadocia region of Turkey. Cities, empires and religions have risen and fallen around these unique underground havens –...