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Detail of a tomb painting depicting Meretites and Kahai – an ancient Egyptian couple who lived 4,400 years ago.

The Priestess and the Singer: Locked in a Lasting Egyptian Love Story

A beautiful love story bloomed around a tomb painting found in Saqqara, Egypt. The image shows an ancient Egyptian couple in a tender scene. While sweet, this type of image isn’t a common one - so...
Page from the Codex Wallerstein "Mademoiselle Maupin de l'Opéra". Anonymous print, ca. 1700.

Mademoiselle Maupin: A Damsel Who Was Never in Distress

Swords, brawls, and clandestine love affairs are often the stuff of fairy tales and adventure stories. But in the case of Julie d'Aubigny of Paris, this was all part of her everyday life. Also known...
Ancient sarcophagus belonging to singer of god Amun - Luxor

Ancient sarcophagus belonging to singer of god Amun unearthed in Luxor

A team of Spanish archaeologists have unearthed a sarcophagus during the recent restorations of the tomb of Amenhotep Huy , ruler of Lower Nubia Kush under king Tutankhamun, located at Qurnet Marej...
Tjayasetimu - Egypt

Tjayasetimu, the child star of ancient Egypt

Tjayasetimu is the name of a little girl who was a star singer in ancient Egypt. Nearly three thousand years ago, she was a member of the royal choir and sang for the pharaohs in temples on the Nile...