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silk route

Interior of Orbelian’s Caravanserai.

Orbelian’s Caravanserai: A Lasting Sanctuary for Travelers Along the Silk Road

Orbelian’s Caravanserai (known previously as the Selim Caravanserai) is a caravanserai located in Vayots Dzor, a province in the southeastern part of Armenia . According to a dedicatory inscription,...
Caravan on the Silk Road (1380 AD).

100 Merchants Retrace Silk Road Trade Route on Camelback in Epic Year-Long Journey

In a quest to repeat the traditions of ancient merchants, more than 100 tea traders are making an epic journey, crossing 15,000 kilometers on camelback and retracing the steps of the Silk Road...
Kizil Caves

Kizil Caves, earliest Buddhist caves in China, hide rare images from the time of the Silk Route

The ancient Silk Route was not only a trade route where goods could be transported between East and West, but was also a corridor where ideas could flow freely. This transmission of knowledge would...
Tmbs excavated in Kucha, with carvings of mythical creatures

1,700-year-old Silk Road cemetery contains carvings of the four mythological symbols of China

Archaeologists in China have just reported on the discovery of a 1,700-year-old cemetery along the old Silk Road consisting of magnificent tombs that contain carvings of the four mythological symbols...
Ancient Chinese city of Loulan

Scientists to map out vast ancient Chinese city of Loulan

A team of Chinese scientists have plans to undertake a five year, government sponsored project to fully map out the kingdom of Loulan, and to solve the mystery of its sudden abandonment, according to...
The Ancient Silk Road

New Project seeks World Heritage status for Ancient Silk Road

A major project is underway by China , Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan to get dozens of heritage sites established on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, according to a news report in CCTV. The sites are all...