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Sampling crew collecting a sediment core at PaJs-13, a Thule-Inuit site on Somerset Island, Nunavut, with the remnants of whalebone houses visible in the background.	Source: Jules Blais/University of Ottawa

Unveiling 1,200 years of Human Occupation in Canada's Arctic

A recent study provides new insights into ancient cultures in Canada's Arctic, focusing on Paleo-Inuit and Thule-Inuit peoples over thousands of years. Jules Blais, professor of biology at the...
6th-Century Ruins Uncovered in UAE Could Be the Lost City of Tuam

6th-Century Ruins Uncovered in UAE Could Be the Lost City of Tu’am

Excavations in the Umm Al Quwain region of the United Arab Emirates have revealed 6th-century ruins that could correspond to the ancient city of Tu’am. Located on Al Sinniyah Island, the island forms...
Left, Preparation of a geophysical survey during the field campaign in March 2024. Right; Geophysical survey of the previously unknown site of Jarkovac (Serbia).	Source:  Left; © Sebastian Schultrich/Cluster ROOTS Right; © Cluster ROOTS/Museum of Vojvodina Novi Sad/National Museum Zrenjanin/National Museum Pančevo

Cluster of Neolithic Settlements Discovered in Serbia

A field campaign has provided a ‘discovery of outstanding importance’ in Serbia, incorporating discoveries regarding various cultures of the Late Neolithic including Vinča culture, Banat culture, and...
Earth structures were being constructed on Tongatapu around AD 300. Source: Phillip Parton/ANU

Oldest City Found on a Pacific Island Was Constructed in 300 AD in Tonga

With the assistance of data obtained in 2011 with advanced laser scanning technology, archaeologists have been able to identify the remains of a 1,700-year-old lost city on the island of Tongatapu in...
Left; the reconstruction imae of Feb=nsatantion Man. Right; The first evidence of Roman-British crucifixion has been found in Fenstanton, Cambridgeshire, England. The heel of a man found with an iron nail pounded through his heel bone was clear evidence of crucifixion. Source: Left; Impossible Factual/BBC, Right; Albion Archaeology

Face of the Only Victim of Roman Crucifixion Found in Britain is Revealed

Experts have successfully reconstructed the face of a man who was a victim of Roman crucifixion, a discovery hailed as "almost unique" by Corinne Duhig, a bone specialist from Cambridge University...
Rimrock Draw Rockshelter in Oregon, the United States. Source: Bureau of Land Management

18,000-Year-Old Oregon Rockshelter May Be Oldest North American Site of Human Occupation

In 2021, the Meadowcroft Rockshelter in Pennsylvania was identified as the oldest human occupational site in North America, dated to at least 16,000 radiocarbon years old, or 19,000 calendar years...
A special metal frame allows archaeological digs of one square meter in the area the Rungholt church has been detected on the tidal flats. Source: Universitaet Mainz

Sunken Sanctuary and Settlement Rediscovered on German Coast

A sacred coastal building was drowned and lost during a storm surge in 1362 AD. Now, archaeologists in Germany have rediscovered the sunken medieval structure, which some media outlets are calling “...
Aerial view of the Al-Faw archaeological site, home to a neolithic settlement, in Saudi Arabia. Source: CC BY-SA 4.0

8,000-Year-Old Neolithic Temple Discovered in Saudi Arabia

The once magnificent capital of the Kingdom of Kindah, Al-Faw south west of Riyadh in Saudi Arabia has been the subject of a project spearheaded by the Saudi Heritage Commission, headed by a Saudi...
Legedzine in the Ukraine is home to the remains of remnants of the Cucuteni-Trypillian culture. Every year it hosts a festival organized by the Trypillian Culture State Historical and Cultural Reserve. Source: Александр Водолазский / CC BY-SA 4.0

The Mysterious House-Burning of the Forgotten Cucuteni-Trypillian Culture

The discovery of ancient cultures, and artifacts related to those cultures, often brings for new and surprising information about how our ancient ancestors once lived. Some cultures are found to have...
Ruins of the Borgaråsen hillfort in Magma Geoparks in Norway. Source: Magma Geopark

Were the Hillforts of Norway More Than Just Defensive Structures?

Hillforts are typically European erections of the Bronze and Iron Ages. They were fortified or defended settlements usually located at a natural height which people took advantage of to protect...
Drone shot of the last Roman amphitheater ever unearthed in Kaiseraugst, Switzerland.		Source: Canton of Aargau

The Last Roman Amphitheater Ever Built Found Near Basel Switzerland!

An archaeological team accompanying construction workers building a new boathouse for the Basel Rowing Club in Kaiseraugst, Switzerland in December last year unexpectedly stumbled upon the remains of...
The excavation site and Mesolithic tools. Source: Institute of Archaeology RAS

10,000+ Artifacts, Including Mesolithic Tools, Found in Russia

The Mesolithic Age, i.e., the ‘Middle Stone Age,’ was a transitionary period of the Stone Age that existed between the Upper Palaeolithic and the Neolithic (Old Stone Age and New Stone Age,...
Top image: Artist’s conception of the Poverty Point archaeological site near Epps, Louisiana at its height	Source: Herb Roe / CC BY-SA 4.0

Poverty Point Mound Research Helps Smash Old Paradigms

Archaeologists in North America have presented evidence of “sophisticated engineering” amongst the mound building culture. It is hoped that the new findings will help eradicate the historical...
Scientists discovered the northernmost Palaeolithic settlement on Kotelny island. Source: Innokenty Pavlov/The Siberian Times

Northernmost Palaeolithic Settlement Reveals Mass Butchering of Woolly Mammoths

Scientists and archaeologists have discovered the world’s northernmost Palaeolithic settlement on Kotelny Island, 990 kilometers (615 miles) north of the Arctic Circle! Ancient hunters resided on...
Submerged Settlements On Roman Road Discovered In Venice Lagoon

Submerged Settlements And Roman Road Discovered Under Venice Waters

An underwater sonar mapping project by archaeologists in Italy has determined that the bottom of the Venetian Lagoon was once dry land. The team of researchers have confirmed that an ancient Roman...
Orkney Quernstone Points To Settlement 500 Years Older Than Skara Brae

Orkney Quernstone Points To Settlement 500 Years Older Than Skara Brae

Archaeologists exploring on Orkney, the far-flung archipelago of the north east coast of Scotland, have discovered a settlement that they believe to be older than the world renowned Skara Brae...
Jet necklaces and bracelet discovered during the A75 Dunragit Bypass roadwork excavations in Scotland.

Scottish Roadwork Treasure Trove Now Revealed!

A treasure trove of artifacts was unearthed in Scotland during the building of the A75 Dunragit bypass, a new road in Wigtownshire, Scotland , back in 2014. According to The Scotsman , the discovery...
Anglo-Saxon Settlement And Cemetery Complex Excavated In England

Anglo-Saxon Settlement And Cemetery Complex Excavated In England

A vast Anglo-Saxon settlement and cemetery complex has been discovered in England that is being called a “one of a kind” discovery. Not, however, because the site was found laden with gold and silver...
Birka: The Mysterious Demise of a Majestic Viking Trading Center

Birka: The Mysterious Demise of a Majestic Viking Trading Center

The Viking Age in Europe brought a lot of key events and innovations, and greatly shaped the future of things that were to come. But there is a popular misconception that the Vikings were all about...
Raised Celtic Settlement May Be Aftermath of Boudica’s Rebellion

Raised Celtic Settlement May Be Aftermath of Boudica’s Rebellion

An Iron Age village that was deliberately destroyed in England might have been torched in response to Queen Boudicca´s legendary rebellion against invading Roman conquerors. Constructed with wattle-...
Aerial view of the Phoenician settlement at Cabezo Pequeño del Estaño in Alicante, Spain. Inset; Examples of Phoenician silver. Source: Fernando Prados/Public Domain/Public Domain

9th Century BC Moat to Protect Phoenician Settlement Excavated in Spain

Archaeologists working at a in the Alicante province of Spain have just discovered a large moat. This emphasizes the defensive actions taken by the settlers against the hostility they faced when they...
Lost ‘Cosmic’ Amazonian Villages Discovered in Brazilian Rainforest

Lost ‘Cosmic’ Amazonian Villages Discovered in Brazilian Rainforest

Helicopter Lidar scans have revealed an ancient Amazonian “cosmos” of circular settlements, all connected by straight roads. Acre is an Amazonian rainforest state in northwestern Brazil known for...
The Viking Discovery of Iceland

Floki and the Viking Discovery of Iceland

The Vikings’ next step out into the Atlantic – the discovery and settlement of Iceland – is one of the best documented events of the Viking Age. Medieval Icelanders were fascinated by genealogy, not...
The site of the newly discovered rare ancient Viking temple found in Norway with an imagined reconstruction of the actual building.   Source: University Museum of Bergen

Viking Temple to Thor and Odin Unearthed In Norway

The Viking Age has fascinated people for generations and now we have a newly discovered ancient Viking temple that has finally shed some new light on Norse religion . Believe it or not, there is a...
