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  1. Ancient Age: The Coming of the Amerindians

    A hundred and forty million years ago, Lake County, a part of Northern California, began with another of the ear-splitting rumbles that were a part of a continuing grand archaeological planet-wide show. Earth’s rocky mantle slid about over the molten core with ear-splitting groans and titanic shudderings. Tectonic plates rose and fell.

    Gene Paleno - 12/11/2016 - 03:51

  2. Archaeological Mystery: 10,000 or More Caves were Dug into the Himalayas Over 2,000 Years Ago

    ... Cavern: Underground World Tree Reveals Secrets of Sacred Maya Beliefs The climb to reach and enter the caves is ...

    aprilholloway - 19/08/2017 - 22:54

  3. Prostate Stones the Size of Walnuts Made Life a Nightmare for a Man 12,000 Years Ago

    The earliest known case of prostate stones, roughly the size of walnuts and dating back about 12,000 years, has been discovered in the skeletal remains of a man in a cemetery in central Sudan. The stones, which cause excruciating pain, were in the man’s lower urinary tract or prostate area.

    Mark Miller - 02/02/2017 - 01:58

  4. Significant Inscriptions Found in Egypt: From the Earliest Huge Hieroglyphs to Greek-Roman Period Graffiti

    ... Egyptian Hieroglyphs: The Language of the Gods The Famous Maya City of Copan: A Site with Abundant Art and Hieroglyphs ...

    Mark Miller - 23/06/2017 - 23:02

  5. Ancient Chinese And South Asian Flights Of Fancy

    It may not be surprising that early cultures pondered the wonder of flight: people in most parts of the world could see birds, bats, and insects flying about, and this likely inspired a great sense of curiosity. Many likely imagined rising aloft, and flying about like a bird — or at least, they could imagine their spirits and deities flying around the heavens, from place to place.

    Dr. Benjamin B. Olshin - 25/03/2021 - 01:56

  6. Think Your Blue Jeans Are Faded? Compare Them to This 6000-Year-Old Textile Found in Peru

    Although denim jeans in their modern form are an invention from the late 1800s, the process of dying cotton with indigo is a technique that dates back thousands of years. Previously acknowledged as an ancient Egyptian development, researchers have now found an even earlier use of indigo in the world – in a Pre-Incan site on the north coast of Peru.

    Alicia McDermott - 15/09/2016 - 21:48

  7. The Mysterious Unakoti Bas-Reliefs: 10 Million Deities and the Curse of a God

    Bas-relief or low relief is a type of sculpture in which an image is projected at a shallow depth. This technique is often used in the art of ancient Egypt and other Near Eastern cultures. In addition, bas-reliefs can be found in Asian art, including that of ancient India. One of the largest bas-relief sculptures in the country can be found at Unakoti, which is situated in the northeastern state of Tripura.

    dhwty - 22/02/2015 - 23:11

  8. Researchers studying pigs in Brazil stumble upon ancient rock art that had never been seen before

    While tracking pig-like animals called peccaries in Brazil’s forests, a group of researchers inadvertently stumbled upon an incredible display of ancient rock art that had never been seen before.

    aprilholloway - 09/11/2013 - 13:09

  9. Ingenious Abandoned Jungle City of Guayabo de Turrialba in Costa Rica

    ... sacrifice like its neighbors to the north, such as the Maya and the Aztecs . The many great monuments that have been ...

    Ed Whelan - 10/07/2019 - 01:54

  10. Chinese New Year 2022 and the Legend of Nian

    Millions of people across China, Korea, Vietnam, Japan and other countries around the world are today celebrating the Lunar New Year and welcoming in the Year of the Tiger as part of an ancient custom that dates back at least 3,400 years.

    Joanna Gillan - 01/02/2022 - 14:00

  11. Ancient Rainwater Harvesting: It Fell From The Sky and Became Worshiped by Every Civilization

    Collecting and dispersing water has always been a matter of life and death for humans. In our informative years we must have cupped water from rivers, springs, and waterfalls while traversing wild landscapes following herding animals and meeting shoaling fish. The dawn of farming brought about innovations in capturing and storing rainwater and using it to irrigate crops, but modern urbanization over the last 500 years has greatly distanced most of us from the strains of water harvesting.

    ashley cowie - 26/10/2018 - 22:56

  12. Ritually Sacrificed Inca Kids Fed “Soothing” Coca and Caapi Cocktails

    The medicinal use of plants and the collection, dissemination, and application of traditional knowledge surrounding plants (ethnobotany) is an indigenous practice from the Americas well documented to this very day. A lot of these practices are yet to be fully understood, and one such recent example is that from three sacrificed Inca children found in the 1990s in southern Peru.

    Sahir - 30/05/2022 - 18:35

  13. The Janapadas: Tribal Footholds in Bronze and Iron Age India

    Changes were underway in India during the period of the Late Bronze Age and the Iron Age. The Vedas were written, and ancient Indian culture, society, and religion were all being transformed. One of the major transformations took place in the political organization of the subcontinent – janapadas were forming and altering the way people lived.

    dhwty - 09/06/2018 - 02:00

  14. Reviving the Music of their Foremothers: A Traditional Tuareg Instrument for Women Makes a Comeback

    ... That Whirls Through Cultures and Time The Music of the Maya: Mysterious whistles Confound Experts But the tradition ...

    Mark Miller - 25/01/2016 - 21:52

  15. 150 Toothless Skulls in Mexico ‘Crime Scene’ Cave are Ancient Sacrifice Victims

    ... on a display rack. Yucatán Cave Was Used For Pre-Hispanic Maya Rituals Gruesome Remains of Aztec Skull Tower Discovered ...

    Sahir - 01/05/2022 - 18:44

  16. Serpent of Light: Beyond 2012 - The Movement of the Earth's Kundalini and the Rise of the Female Light

    ... have meaning and purpose ...Only Mother Earth and ancient Maya know what's going to happen." - from "Serpent of Light". ...

    ancient origins - 05/01/2019 - 02:02

  17. Have Researchers Discovered What Caused the 16th Century Mexican Epidemic That Killed Over 80% of the Population?

    ... Tenochtitlan - Truly the End of the Aztec Empire? Tulum: Maya City of the Dawning Sun, a Caribbean Paradise In ...

    Alicia McDermott - 18/02/2017 - 02:04

  18. Europe’s Famous Mesolithic Pesse Canoe: Earth’s Oldest Known Boat

    ... inspected by experienced researchers. Rare 1000-Year-Old Maya Canoe Found in Yucatan Cenote Oldest and First ...

    Lex Leigh - 21/09/2022 - 18:58

  19. The Solution to the 5,500-year-old Mesopotamian Clay Ball Enigma

    In late 2013, interesting fresh evidence dating back five and a half millennia was found, giving insights into the enigma of the Mesopotamian clay balls.  Through use of CT scanning to peer into the clay balls, the study came to a revealing conclusion that the balls may in fact illustrate the world’s “very first data storage system”.

    aprilholloway - 15/07/2017 - 02:01

  20. Lost Pre-Hispanic City Near Acapulco Yields Astounding Petroglyphs

    ... Unique Way Aztecs Viewed Fertility and Renewal Huge Lost Maya City Has Emerged From the Jungle in Mexico Animalistic ...

    Sahir - 06/09/2023 - 18:49
