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  1. Saraswati: Hindu Goddess of Wisdom and Protector of the Universe

    ... regarding Saraswati, she is said to provide gifts of education and learning to other gods. For example, she ...

    Riley Winters - 14/04/2020 - 19:46

  2. The Architecture and Spiritual History of India’s Famous Barabar Caves

    The Barabar Caves are a group of rock-cut caves located in the eastern Indian state of Bihar. The Barabar Caves contain a total of seven caves, the oldest of which date to the Mauryan period. The caves from the Mauryan period are reckoned to be the oldest rock-cut caves in India. The Barabar Caves are known primarily for their inscriptions, some of which have been dated to the reign of Mauryan emperor Ashoka. The caves are also notable for their architecture.

    dhwty - 24/07/2021 - 14:57

  3. Antiquity’s Fierce Child Warriors Who Died For Their Tribes

    ... trade.’   In the Archaic period, 700 - 600 BC, their education was entirely structured around military ...

    ashley cowie - 19/01/2022 - 15:17

  4. Graffiti Vandals Slash At “The Diamond in the Crown of Thailand”

    The so called “Mother of a jackass Liverpool backpacker” who is looking at ten stiff years inside a Thai prison for spray-painting 'Scouse Lee' on an 800-year-old fortress says she’s “embarrassed and ashamed.”

    ashley cowie - 24/10/2018 - 13:59

  5. Theodoric the Great and His Ostrogothic Mausoleum

    ... Leo I. Theodoric was therefore raised in the Greco-Roman education system, and learned the ways of governing and ...

    Riley Winters - 28/08/2020 - 01:43

  6. India to Build Immense Statue, Twice the Size of the Statue of Liberty, of Medieval King Shivaji

    ... all like this money to be spent on something better – education, infrastructure, food...anything but a statue that ...

    Theodoros Karasavvas - 27/12/2016 - 21:56

  7. Hannibal of Carthage: Military Commander and Greatest Enemy of Rome

    ... 28 September 2022. “Hannibal” in National Geographic Education . Available at: Sabin, P. ...

    mrreese - 04/06/2023 - 22:58

  8. Shah Jahan: Mughal Emperor, Creator of the Taj Mahal, Champion of Fine Cuisine

    ... who was personally responsible for the young prince’s education. Upon the death of Akbar , a vicious struggle for ...

    dhwty - 08/08/2019 - 18:34

  9. Russian Billionaire Continues the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

    It hasn’t been widely publicized, but the most extensive search for extraterrestrial intelligence ever undertaken has been up and running for more than four years.

    Nathan Falde - 04/07/2019 - 14:15

  10. Sip Like a Sumerian: Ancient Beer Recipe Recreated from Millennia-Old Cuneiform Tablets

    Nowadays, people drink beer for its good taste and feel-good effects. However, thousands of years ago, beer played a much more central role in society.

    aprilholloway - 11/07/2017 - 01:52

  11. Famous Swiss Mummy is Given a Face Thanks to Forensic Technology

    ... it is likely that she would have had a degree of formal education. However, the long years of research haven’t been ...

    Sahir - 20/01/2022 - 17:53

  12. Rock art may Memorialize Ancient Contact between Atlantic and Mediterranean

    A meeting of the peoples of the European Atlantic coast and the Mediterranean coast may be memorialized in an ancient rock carving of a sailing vessel in the north of Spain. Sailing vessels were native to the Mediterranean, while rowing vessels were used on the Atlantic coast, where the petroglyph is located.

    Mark Miller - 07/10/2015 - 14:56

  13. Mokomokai: Preservation of the Tattooed Maori Heads of New Zealand

    ... Tā Moko. [Online] Available at: ...

    dhwty - 25/01/2016 - 01:05

  14. A Powerful New Free Tool Virtually Maps England’s Archaeological Sites

    An innovative and groundbreaking digital archaeology tool will give members of the public an opportunity to explore thousands of archaeological sites all around England, visually and by reading written reports and descriptions.

    Nathan Falde - 09/10/2021 - 14:58

  15. 3700-year old Babylonian Tablet Confirms Pythagoras Did Not Invent the Theorem Bearing His Name

    ... practical applications in surveying, computer graphics and education.” It is believed the tablet was created in the ...

    Alicia McDermott - 25/08/2017 - 19:01

  16. America’s Archaeology Data Keeps Disappearing and That’s Not Legal

    By Keith Kintigh / The Conversation

    Archaeology – the name conjures up images of someone carefully sifting the sands for traces of the past and then meticulously putting those relics in a museum. But today’s archaeology is not just about retrieving artifacts and drawing maps by hand. It also uses the tools of today: 3D imaging, LiDAR scans, GPS mapping and more.

    ancient-origins - 19/10/2018 - 01:49

  17. Terpsichore: The Muse of Dance Who Moved in Time with the Rhythm of the Cosmos

    ... "The Muses of Science: A Utopian Oracle."  Science & Education  23.4 (2014): 719-725. Murray, Penelope. ...

    Caleb Strom - 23/10/2018 - 01:56

  18. The Afaq Khoja Mausoleum And The Legacy Of A Great Uyghur Leader

    ... brought up in Qomul, where he was born, and received his education at the religious schools of Kashgar, Sariqqul, and ...

    dhwty - 23/02/2021 - 01:02

  19. Iraqi Transport Minister Announces that Sumerians Launched Spaceships 7,000 Years Ago

    ... of human endeavour, including government and politics, education and literature, philosophy and ethics, law and ...

    aprilholloway - 04/10/2016 - 17:56

  20. Halls of Ancient Wisdom: 7 Remarkable Ancient Libraries

    ... II and served as a testament to the empire's commitment to education, scholarship, and the preservation of knowledge. ... of the Papyri . Available at: Mark. J. 2023. Library of ...

    Robbie Mitchell - 16/07/2023 - 14:58
