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The extinct Patagonian fox was found far further north than its known habitat, and analysis of its diet suggests it was domesticated. Source: Mario Llorca / Adobe Stock.

Man’s Other Best Friend: Did Patagonian Hunters Domesticate an Extinct Fox?

Was Man’s Best Friend a fox? For hunter gatherers in Patagonia 1,500 years ago, that may well turn out to be true. A team of archaeologists excavating the intriguing Cañada Seca site in Argentina...
Burial from the Palace of Cortés is that of a Tlahuica woman. Source: INAH

Palace of Cortés Display Burial Is A Pre-Hispanic Woman, Not a Spanish Monk!

For 50 years, the public at the Palacio de Cortés, in Cuernavaca, Mexico, was able to glimpse a burial through an archaeological window, located at the entrance. The identity of this individual was...
The ruined pyramids at Tzintzuntzan. Source: Secretaría de Turismo de Michoacán

The Pyramids of Tzintzuntzan: Vestiges of the Purépecha Empire

On the banks of Lake Pátzcuaro in Mexico, the stone ruins of Tzintzuntzan pay homage to the great capital of the pre-Columbian Purépecha civilization which existed from the 14th to the 16th century...
Montezuma Castle: Arizona’s Strange Monumental Cliff Dwelling

Montezuma Castle: Arizona’s Strange Monumental Cliff Dwelling

Montezuma Castle is a national monument located in the western US state of Arizona. Although the name of the monument suggests a connection with the Aztecs, Montezuma Castle was in fact built by the...
Maya Cities Had Unique Neotropical Forest Parks Says New Study

Maya Cities Had Unique Neotropical Forest Parks Says New Study

The Maya civilization was renowned for its progress in the fields of art, architecture, mathematics, astronomy, and the calendar systems. Part of their highly developed architecture is missing even...
French Archaeologists Discover 113 Intact Ancient Guadeloupe Burials

French Archaeologists Discover 113 Intact Ancient Guadeloupe Burials

French archaeologists working for INRAP (the National Institute for Preventive Archaeology Research) recently found something unique and unprecedented on the archipelago of Guadeloupe in the...
Artifacts in Alaska Prove Pre-Columbian America-Europe Trade

Artifacts in Alaska Prove Pre-Columbian America-Europe Trade

The stunning discovery of pre-Columbian artifacts, originally from Europe, in Alaska could be definitive proof that ancient trade networks existed between Europe and northern Alaska in the mid-15 th...
The ancient stone map dating back to 200 BC to 200 AD has been discovered in Colima, Mexico.         Source: INAH

Ancient Settlement Network Found Mapped in Stone in Mexico

Archaeologists from the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia ( INAH ) have confirmed the discovery of an ancient stone map carved into a volcanic rock in Colima , Mexico dating from between...
Mesoamerican ball game players

Danger on the Court: The Deadly Ancient Mesoamerican Ball Game

The Mesoamerican ball game is the oldest known team sport in the world. It was practiced by ancient Pre-Columbian cultures of Central America and played almost a millennium before the establishment...
The life-size replica of Rosalila Temple at the Copan site museum. Source: Talk2winik / Public Domain.

Unravelling the Secrets of the Maya’s Precious Rosalila Temple

Rosalila Temple is a monument located at the Maya site of Copan (located in the western part of Honduras, not far from the border with Guatemala ). This temple was constructed during the 6th century...
View at Machu Picchu, probably the most famous Inca settlement recorded by the big data archaeology model.          Source: fife76 / Public Domain

Big Data Used to Create Comprehensive Map of Inca Settlements

Parker VanValkenburgh, an assistant professor of anthropology, curated a journal issue that explores the opportunities and challenges big data could bring to the field of archaeology. PROVIDENCE, R.I...
The local Aymara held a ritual before the vessels were removed.        Source: Ministerio de Culturas y Turismo de Bolivia / Facebook

Tiwanaku Excavation Unearths 1400-Year-Old Ritual Vessels

At Tiwanaku, Bolivia , archaeologists have excavated a number of vessels that are believed to be 1,400 years old making them amongst the very oldest artifacts to be found at the site. Tiwanaku is one...
The newly uncovered wall carvings found in Vichama, Peru.

3800-Year-Old Carvings Show Starving City’s Pleas To Water God Were Answered

3,800 years ago, the people living in what is now called Vichama, Peru carved snakes and human heads into their walls alongside depictions of emaciated people. They were starving and dying and hoped...
The ancient Timoto-Cuica culture focused on agriculture. Source: Melissa / Adobe Stock

Beyond the Mists of Time: The Mysterious Timoto-Cuica Culture of the Venezuelan Andes

When we speak of the pre-Columbian South American civilizations, the first to come to mind are the Incas , the Tiwanaku , the Nazca , or perhaps even the Mayans . But we rarely venture deeper into...
Decoration of an ancient tomb in Tierradentro 	Source: Matyas Rehak / Adobe Stock

A Fascinating Look into the Lives and Deaths of the Tierradentro People of Colombia

One of the greatest Pre-Columbian civilizations of Colombia were the Tierradentro who flourished for centuries. They created a remarkable series of cave tombs and monuments which offer us a unique...
Puerto Rican figures

Skeptics Washed Away As Lost Civilization Is Finally Identified By Puerto Rican Figures

A collection of highly-controversial stone figures discovered in Puerto Rico are believed by some to have been created by members of the lost Ten Tribes of Israel and by others as hoaxes, but these...
Guayabo Monument, Costa Rica

Ingenious Abandoned Jungle City of Guayabo de Turrialba in Costa Rica

South and Central America have many amazing archaeological sites, some of which were left behind by pre-Columbian peoples and cultures who left no written records . One of the most significant sites...
The Ruins of Quilmes, Argentina

Quilmes Ruins, Sacred Place of Diaguita People

Argentina is a vast country revered for its many natural wonders and beautiful scenery. Less well-known, however, are its historic sites. In fact, some of the most important pre-Columbian ruins, such...
Ceramics give evidence of Peru’s first empires               Source: Andina / Juan Carlos Guzmán Fair Use

Study of Ceramics Provides New Thinking on Origins of First Peruvian Empire

The Andean nation of Peru has been the home of many important pre-Columbian societies. But their origins and development still holds many questions. Now a number of ceramic pieces are throwing light...
One of two cases of healed blows to the cranium from the Playa Venado excavations. 	Source: Nicole Smith-Guzmán, STRI

Famous Report of Violent Savages in pre-Columbian Panama Got It Wrong

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute via Science Daily Buried alive. Butchered. Decapitated. Hacked. Mutilated. Killed. Archaeologist Samuel K. Lothrop did not obfuscate when describing what he...
Silver cups from ancient Peruvian

Silver cups from ancient Peruvian civilization change Chachapoya history

Two decorated silver cups found in the Chachapoyas region of Peru may rewrite the history of the enigmatic ancient people, who had never been known to do metalworking before this discovery. Though...
Genealogy of the Incas by Cuzco School. 18th or early 19th century.

Creation Myths Hold Hard Facts About Our Ancient Origins

The largest pre-Hispanic civilization in the Americas was the Inca Empire and from their capital city of Cusco, rulers known as Sapa Inka (Quechua for "the only Inca”) controlled a vast territory...
 A Pachacamac mummy/ Peter Eeckhout with burial face mask.

Exceptional Mummy Unearthed Giving Insights into the Incan Rule

A team of archaeologists from the Université libre de Bruxelles's has uncovered a 1000-year-old mummy at an excavation in Pachacamac, on Peru’s Pacific coast. After a dig of nine weeks the team at...
Sacred Inca citadel, Machu Picchu, Peru, on the boarder of the Andes and the Amazon.

Matching Myth and Genetics: Revealing the Origins of the Inca Through Modern DNA

The Inca people arrived at Cusco valley and in a few centuries built the Tawantinsuyu, the largest empire in the Americas. The Tawantinsuyu was the cultural climax of 6,000 years of Central Andes...
