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An amphora at the bottom of Kerpe’s ancient harbor in the Black Sea. Source: IHA / Anatolian Archaeology.

First Ever Scientific Underwater Excavation of Black Sea Reveals Ancient Harbor

In 2020, the first ever scientific underwater excavation ever undertaken in the Black Sea was started. Now, the results of that expedition are coming to light, revealing millennia-old artifacts and...
Spurn Point beach in East Yorkshire at Sunrise, where remnants of the medieval port town known as Ravenser Odd are believed to reside under the sea. Source: Tim Hill / Adobe Stock

Searching for Ravenser Odd: Medieval English Port Town Lost to the Sea

England’s sea-swept coasts were always at the mercy of the elements. Those remotest towns and villages, lying directly on the seashore, always existed on the brink. Their inhabitants never knew if...
Detail of the 1,900-year-old statue of the Buddha found at Berenike, an ancient port city in Egypt by the Red Sea. Source: Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities

Statue Reveals Buddhists Likely Mingled with Roman’s In Egypt

Ancient history is replete with examples of cross-cultural ties that have transcended all kinds of boundaries, even before telecommunications and travel existed the way we know today. A reminder of...
Byzantine-era sandal with inscription unearthed in Istanbul. Source: Hurriyet Daily

Byzantine-Era Sandals with Heartfelt Inscription Unearthed in Istanbul

Archaeologists have stumbled upon a remarkable discovery in Istanbul that has captured the attention of historians and fashion enthusiasts alike. Amidst a treasure trove of ancient artifacts, they...
The Falasarna archaeological site in Crete, with a representation of the façade of the temple dedicated to the Goddess Demeter. Source: Greek Ministry of Culture

An Abundance of Artifacts Unearthed at Falasarna Acropolis in Crete

Excavations at the acropolis in Falasarna (also Phalasarna) in the far west of Crete continue to produce rich archaeological bounty. Most recently, hundreds of artifacts including female clay...
Remains of the wooden wharfs of the French medieval port being excavated at the base of Chateau Talmont-Saint-Hilaire, Vendée, France.		Source: Emmanuelle Collado / Inrap

Surprise 10th Century Medieval Port Discovered In Western France

Archaeologists in western France have been up to their elbows excavating enormous oak ship timbers at a “surprise” 10th-century medieval port, where evidence of wine production, fishing trade, and...
Perast, Montenegro. Source: Givaga /Adobe Stock

A Tiny Town with an Enormous History: Perast, The Pearl of Boka

Montenegro’s illustrious Bay of Kotor is a maritime region filled with unique places that boast a long and far-reaching history. Amongst the numerous historic cities that dot the bay’s shores, Perast...
Berenike Fortress Well Speaks of Volcanic Apocalypse

Berenike Fortress Well Speaks of Volcanic Apocalypse

Like in all ancient cultures maintaining access to fresh, unpolluted water, was infinitely more valuable than owning vast tonnages gold, silver and jewels. Archaeologists exploring a water well in...
Ancient Red Sea Port May Have World’s Oldest Pet Cemetery

Ancient Red Sea Port May Have World’s Oldest Pet Cemetery

Archaeologists unearthed an extensive animal burial ground at the 2,000-year-old port of Berenice on the Red Sea coast of Egypt a decade ago. Now they say that the evidence found in almost 600 animal...
Marine archaeologists diving at the site of the Roman sea fortress.    Source: Sevastopol State University

Russian Divers Discover Ancient Roman Sea Fortress at Tartus

Dmitry Tatarkov, director of the Institute of Social Sciences and International Relations, recently told Almasdar News that Russian scientists from Sevastopol State University have made a series of...
Birka: The Mysterious Demise of a Majestic Viking Trading Center

Birka: The Mysterious Demise of a Majestic Viking Trading Center

The Viking Age in Europe brought a lot of key events and innovations, and greatly shaped the future of things that were to come. But there is a popular misconception that the Vikings were all about...
Classis Ravennas and the Defense of the Roman Empire

Classis Ravennas and the Defense of the Roman Empire

For almost 500 years, Classe was an important Roman seaport right up until the early Middle Ages. Protected by surrounding marshes, Classe was well placed for patrolling the Adriatic Sea , but the...
Revealing The Hellenistic Origins Of Jaffa, The Holiest Port

Revealing The Hellenistic Origins Of Jaffa, The Holiest Port

Jaffa, or Yafo in Hebrew, is a city port and southern suburb of Tel Aviv, located on the Mediterranean coast of Israel. As one of the oldest ports in the world, the Bible says Jaffa was founded by...
Statue identified as being Sebiumeker, god of procreation and fertility from Meroe in present-day Sudan. Source: K. Braulinska / PAP

Asian and Nubian Influences Found In Ptolemaic Era Statues in Berenice

Several mysterious statues dating back over 2000 years have been unearthed inside a temple in the ruined port of Berenice in Egypt . What makes them unique is that they exhibit strong influences from...
A grim reaper brings death by boat. Credit: Cushing / Whitney Medical Library

How ‘Death Ships’ Spread Disease Through the Ages

One of the haunting images of this pandemic will be stationary cruise ships – deadly carriers of COVID-19 – at anchor in harbours and unwanted. Docked in ports and feared. The news of the dramatic...
Ostia Antica the first Roman colony. Source: Ioannis Syrigos.

Ostia Antica: The First Roman Colony

Ostia Antica is an archaeological site located on the outskirts of Rome . Although the Romans referred to the site as Ostia, this article will use the term Ostia Antica, so as to avoid confusion with...
A 5thcentury Byzantine basilica at Adulis, Eritrea, excavated in 1914   Source: Stanley, D/CC BY 2.0

Slave Trade and Exotic Animals Made the Ancient Port of Adulis Rich

The Red Sea coast has traditionally been one of the world’s great crossroads for trade and a meeting place of cultures. Because of this, there are many notable ports on this north-eastern coast of...
Christian church ruins discovered in ancient port of Marea, near Alexandria

Christian Church Ruins Unearthed in Alexandria May Be Oldest Ever Found in Egypt

An excavation in Egypt has unearthed some ruins that they say is one of the oldest Christian churches ever found in the country. The experts were working on a ruined basilica when they found the...
Representational image of a war elephant. The recently-discovered fortress at Berenike guarded a port that supplied war elephants

2300-Year-Old Fortress Which Guarded Port That Supplied War Elephants Found in Egypt in Major Discovery

A Polish-American archaeological team have discovered the ruins of a 2,300-year-old fortress that once protected the Ancient Egyptian port of “Berenike”, situated strategically on the coast of the...
One of the buildings uncovered at the Sumerian port town of Abu Tbeirah, its function is still unknown.

4,000-Year-Old Sumerian Port Shows the Famed Civilization Excelled at Sea Too

Now it’s a desert, but 4000 years ago the ancient site of Abu Tbeirah in southern Iraq was a thriving Sumerian port town. It was a hub where ships set sail for distant lands such as the Indus Valley...
Temple of Apollo at Corinth.

Tracing the Steps of the Apostle Paul Through First Century Corinth

“Non cuivis homini contigit adire Corinthum” It is not the privilege of every man to go to Corinth - Horace The site of Corinth has been inhabited since the Neolithic period. Geographically, the...
A Step Closer to Finding the Recipe for Ancient Rome’s Rock-Solid Super-Concrete

A Step Closer to Finding the Recipe for Ancient Rome’s Rock-Solid Super-Concrete

New studies of ancient concrete could teach us more about the amazing techniques of ancient Roman engineering and the secrets behind the incredible longevity of many of their concrete harbor...
Findings at the shipwreck of Fournoi, Delos

Ancient Remains and New Shipwrecks Show the Greek Island of Delos was a Major International Trading Port

The Culture and Sports Ministry of Greece has recently announced that ancient remains and new shipwrecks have been found during an underwater archaeological excavation conducted by the Ephorate of...
The old imperial port of Rome reveals its archaeological remains.

Rome Reopens its Historical Imperial Port to the Public

Roman rule meant the control of Rome on ports and marine and land trade routes. In fact, Roman maritime commercial traffic was so important that they improved and expanded existing land routes,...
