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A Miraculous Recovery for the Nearly-Looted Amarguilla Treasure

A Miraculous Recovery for the Nearly-Looted Amarguilla Treasure

The Archaeological and Ethnological Museum of Córdoba has opened an entrancing new exhibit that is turning heads. For the first time ever, members of the public and press are getting a close-up look...
England’s Long Man Vandalized By Covid-19 Criminals

England’s Long Man Vandalized By Covid-19 Criminals

Police in England are hunting for two vandals who have wilfully defaced the historic English “long man” geo-glyph with a tasteless Covid-19 facemask. The “Long Man of Wilmington” is a giant chalk...
Just a few of the illegal historical artifacts recovered by the police in Poland recently. Source: Malopolska Police and KPP Wadowicach

Hundreds Of Illegal Historical Artifacts Recently Recovered By The Polish Police!

The looting of archaeological sites is a problem all around the world and it’s also a huge illegal business. Recently in Poland , authorities have recovered hundreds of stolen historical artifacts in...
Representation of a medieval knight walking along a beach. Credit: bint87 / Adobe Stock

Medieval Knight Wielding ‘Excalibur’ Stopped By Armed Police

Three police officers from the Welsh police special firearms unit have confronted a sword-wielding “medieval knight,” by a lake in Cardiff. King Arthur was one of the most illustrious legendary...

Indian Woman Arrested for Using ‘Sorcery’ to Cure Covid-19

Hajira Beevi, 47, lives in Cheranalloor, a suburb of Kochi city in the state of Kerala, India, on the banks of the Periyar River. She was arrested by the local police on Thursday after being caught...
Caltrops of WWI

Watch Your Step! Don’t Tread on the Caltrop, A Weapon with a Pointed History

There is a cunning and deadly device that used by armies in the past, and up to the present day. It’s a weapon mostly overlooked but is yet brilliantly effective—the caltrop. The caltrop (or calthrop...
China Tomb Raiders

China tomb raiders rescued, then arrested

Two grave robbers ran into some bad luck on Monday when they became trapped in a burial chamber they were trying to rob and had to be rescued by police, who subsequently detained them. The pair was...