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King Richard I portrait detail

Unmasking King Richard I: Does the Lionhearted King of England Have a Better Reputation Than He Deserves?

Cruel. Courageous. Scheming. Chivalrous. These are just some of the contradictory words that have been used to describe King Richard I, a ruler with a ‘Lion heart.’ But lions are not always majestic...
Excavation site at what is believed to be the lost Roman city of Julias, home of three apostles of Jesus.

Archaeologists Zero in on Lost City and Perhaps the House of Three Apostles of Jesus

Archaeologists have announced the unearthing of strong evidence of the location of the lost Roman city of Julias; home of three apostles of Jesus: Peter, Andrew and Philip. The lost city believed to...
Detail of the Alexander Sarcophagus located in the Istanbul Archaeology Museum. Here Alexander fights the Persians at the Battle of Issus.

Alexander the Great Destroyer? The Sacking of Persepolis and The Business of War – Part I

Alexander the Great has gained an immortality in his strong presence in our minds as well as in the history books. Known for a greatness of military genius and diplomatic skills, he conquered most of...
The marble facade of Philip II tomb, Vergina Greece

Philip II, father of Alexander the Great, Was Buried with Wife and Child after Assassination Says New Study

Spectacular golden tombs containing the remains of ancient Macedonian royalty are under scrutiny after new examinations challenge previous research. A new study claims to conclusively identify King...