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Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s painting: The Triumph of Death, depicting the results of a pandemic. Source: Public Domain

The Most Destructive Pandemics and Epidemics in Human History (Video)

The history of humanity is marked by devastating pandemics and epidemics that have left indelible scars on societies. These widespread outbreaks, such as the Plague of Athens in 430 BC and the...
Dangerous virus emerging from permafrost. Source: lukjonis / Adobe Stock.

The Permafrost is Melting, Releasing Deadly Viruses (Video)

The Arctic's permafrost is thawing due to human-induced climate change , resulting in dire consequences. In Siberia, a mysterious anthrax outbreak claimed lives and led to the burning of thousands of...
Skeletons in a mass grave. Source: EKH-Pictures / Adobe Stock.

Grim Discovery: Uncovering London's Plague Burial Ground (Video)

In August 2015, an astounding discovery was made in the heart of London that sent shockwaves through the archaeological and historical communities. Researchers announced the unearthing of a mass...
The plague of Athens killed between 25-33% of the ancient city’s population, yet what happened is still a mystery. This oil painting by Michael Sweerts, circa 1652, is called “Plague in an Ancient City,” and some scholars interpret it as a depiction of the Athenian plague that broke out in 430 B.C. Source: Public Domain

The Plague of Athens Killed Over a Quarter of the City's Population

Pandemics and plagues seem to be the flavor of this decade, occurring at regular intervals throughout history. Some pandemics have been nipped in the bud due to effective collective action or by...
People with the Black Death depicted in 15th century manuscript. Source: Public domain

Survivors of Black Death Passed on Genetic Risk to Autoimmune Disease

We may have a lot more to thank (or curse) our ancestors for than we realize. When the Black Death or the bubonic plague swept through Europe 700 years ago, it literally killed 50% of the population...
A yak grazes in the meadows under a breath-taking glacier in the Himalayas. Source: helivideo / Adobe Stock

Glacial Melt On Tibetan Plateau Could Be Source of New Pandemics

The Earth’s glaciers are a storehouse for more than just water. They also contain a plethora of frozen microbes that came into existence thousands of years ago. Should the planet’s glaciers melt...
A new study shows that the Black Death mortality rates were not the same across Europe. Source: illustrissima /Adobe Stock

Black Death Mortality Wasn’t as Widespread as Everyone Thinks

The Black Death (1347–1352 AD) is the most infamous pandemic in human history. Advances in ancient DNA research have enabled researchers to identify the bacterium behind this terrible historical...
Ancient Coronavirus Pandemic Evidence Found in Asia

Ancient Coronavirus Pandemic Evidence Found in Asia

Studying the human genome gives us a fascinating glimpse into the evolution of human DNA over time. Modern technology permits scientists to discover and understand certain diseases that potentially...
The Impact of COVID-19: Archaeological Digs Fall Silent

The Impact of COVID-19: Archaeological Digs Fall Silent

Several layers of plastic and geotextile membranes protect the remains of a Neolithic settlement called the Ness of Brodgar in Orkney, Scotland. Large tarps cover the area where the archaeological...
Mystery of Genghis Khan’s Death Considered Solved

Mystery of Genghis Khan’s Death Considered Solved

A team of scientists have cleared up the myths surrounding the death of the great Genghis Khan . They claim that his passing might hold a message for today’s leaders amidst the threats of the current...
Augustus Mausoleum - Largest Circular Tomb On Earth To Reopen In Rome

Augustus Mausoleum - Largest Circular Tomb On Earth To Reopen In Rome

The massive tomb of Augustus, will reopen in March after a 10-million-euro ($12.25 million) project, which includes a virtual reality plug-in and has restored the ancient building to its former glory...
Photograph of a face-down burial, also known as a prone burial, in a churchyard in Berlin, just one of almost a hundred medieval and post-medieval burials in Switzerland, Germany, and Austria included in the study. Source: (Claudia Maria Melisch / Landesdenkmalamt Berlin)

Buried Face-Down 400-Years-Ago, But Through A Fear Of Zombies, Or God?

In 2014 a construction project required Swiss anthropologist Amelie Alterauge of the University of Bern Institute of Forensic Medicine to investigate a very unusual burial in a 400-year-old cemetery...
Florence’s historic ‘wine windows’ have reopened in response to COVID-19                 Source: Buchette Del Vino

Historic Wine Windows Reopen in Italy, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

The bubonic plague , otherwise known as the Black Death, originated in Asia during the late Middle Ages and spread north into Europe through the bacteria Yersinia pestis on infected fleas. To counter...
Researchers have discovered extinct strains of smallpox, an infectious disease also known as Variola, in the teeth of Viking skeletons proving the disease was around at least 1,400 years ago. Source: nobeastsofierce / Adobe Stock

Viking Explorers Found To Be Carriers Of The World's Deadliest Virus

Chinese-Flu, Kung-Flu and now Trump-Flu, according to Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, but now, in the middle of all these politicized pseudonyms names for...
Modern day uprising. Credit: Ciudalia / Adobe Stock

Uprisings After Pandemics: It Happened Before and May Happen Again

As a professor of medieval Europe, I’ve taught the bubonic plague, and how it contributed to the English Peasant Revolt of 1381. Now that America is experiencing widespread unrest in the midst of its...
Before Epidemiologists Began Modeling Disease, It Was the Job of Astrologers

Before Epidemiologists Began Modeling Disease, It Was the Job of Astrologers

The internet is awash with comparisons between life during COVID-19 and life during the Bubonic plague . The two have many similarities, from the spread of misinformation and the tracking of...
Archaeology shows the damaging impact of pandemic outbreaks and how the ancient Africans dealt with them. From social distancing to more extreme measures of burning settlements, what lessons can be applied today?    Source: Fxquadro / Adobe stock

Archaeology Shows How Ancient African Societies Managed Pandemics

Every so often, a pandemic emerges that dramatically alters human society. The Black Death (1347 - 1351) was one; the Spanish flu of 1918 was another. Now there’s COVID-19 . Archaeologists have long...
A grim reaper brings death by boat. Credit: Cushing / Whitney Medical Library

How ‘Death Ships’ Spread Disease Through the Ages

One of the haunting images of this pandemic will be stationary cruise ships – deadly carriers of COVID-19 – at anchor in harbours and unwanted. Docked in ports and feared. The news of the dramatic...
Left: Florence Nightingale inspects a hospital ward during the Crimean War. ( Wellcome Images / CC BY 4.0).   Right: Portrait of Florence Nightingale from Carte de Visite. (H. Lenthall / Public domain)

A History of Nursing Heroes from Florence Nightingale to Coronavirus

By Leslie Neal-Boylan / The Conversation Nurses are heroes of the COVID-19 crisis. May 12 is International Nurses Day, which commemorates the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the first “professional...
Representation of an Irish holy well. Source: Michal / Adobe stock

Believers Flock to Irish Holy Wells Seeking Solace From Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has led many people to seek comfort in a variety of ways. Some have returned to traditional customs and beliefs. In Ireland many people are making a pilgrimage to holy wells...
Ancient Mill Back in Action to Meet Coronavirus Demand

Ancient Mill Back in Action to Meet Coronavirus Demand

In Britain , a historic and ancient mill, that dates back a millennium is once more producing flour after 50 years. The Sturminster Newton Mill is milling flour to meet soaring demand during the...
IMAGE Upload an image to go with this article. Show row weights FILE INFORMATION	OPERATIONS   Image icon Screenshot_20200404-213144_Docs.jpg (313.42 KB) Alternate text 1,000-Year English Tradition Goes Online for First Time in History This text will be used by screen readers, search engines, or when the image cannot be loaded.   Image icon pandemic.jpg (41.22 KB) Alternate text This text will be used by screen readers, search engines, or when the image cannot be loaded. Add a new file  Files must be less th

1,000-Year English Tradition Goes Online for First Time in History

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted daily life around the world. It has also interfered with many historic traditions and ceremonies . A 1000-year-old swearing-in of a sheriff was not able to take...
The Olympic Games Tokyo 202has been postponed.  Source: kovop58 – Adobe Stock

Olympic Games Postponed for the First Time in History

The postponement of the Tokyo Olympics has been announced today. This had long been expected because of the global crisis caused by the Covid 19 or Coronavirus outbreak. It is the first time in...
Left: Modern man wearing a face mask to protect against coronavirus.

What Can the Plague of Athens Teach Us About Today’s Coronavirus?

The coronavirus is concentrating our minds on the fragility of human existence in the face of a deadly disease. Words like ‘epidemic’ and ‘ pandemic ’ (and ‘panic’!) have become part of our daily...
