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St Patrick converting pagans. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

Is This the Reason Ireland Converted to Christianity? (Video)

The spread of Christianity in Ireland is often attributed to St. Patrick, but a deeper exploration of history and scientific findings dating back to 540 AD. Suggests a more intriguing perspective...
A Roman legion. Source: mehaniq41 / Adobe Stock.

A Brief History of Roman Britain: A Land Transformed

For the Romans, ancient Britain was the final frontier. Situated at the edge of the known world at the time, it was a symbol for the ultimate expansion of the Roman Empire. Conquering it meant...
Stonehenge stargazers. Source: vencav / Adobe Stock.

Neolithic Stargazers: Stonehenge's Astronomical Secrets (Video)

Stonehenge , an ancient marvel built over millennia, holds intriguing insights into Neolithic astronomy. The massive trilithons, standing at 30 feet, raise questions about their transportation. The...
Detail of illustration showing Roman soldiers killing the Anglesey Druids, as described by Tacitus. Source: Public domain

The Conquest of Anglesey and the Destruction of Druidism’s Last Stronghold

With a reputation for their savagery, the destruction of the Anglesey Druids and conquest of the Welsh Isle of Anglesey by the Romans put an end to the last pagan corner of Wales in 77 AD. But was...
Ancient Oil Lamp Find Sheds Light on Middle Eastern History

Ancient Oil Lamp Find Sheds Light on Middle Eastern History

Archaeologists from Israel’s Antiquities Authority have announced an intriguing new discovery . In the city of Beit Shemesh, just 22 kilometers (14 miles) west of Jerusalem in Israel , they unearthed...
Return of the Ancient Gods: The Resurgence of Paganism

Return of the Ancient Gods: The Resurgence of Paganism

Over the past two centuries, Europe has become increasingly secular. Scholars in fact no longer talk of the Christian West when they speak of Modern Europe and North America, but of the Secular West...
Amongst the last of the Polabian Slav tribes to fall were the Rani who boasted one of the most powerful Slavic cult religious sites, called Arkona. This powerful fort fell to the Danes in 1168, when King Valdemar sacked it and toppled the pagan idols which stood there. Source: Public domain

The Polabian Slavs: A History of a Vanquished People

Not all of history’s tales have a happy ending. In fact, most of them are rife with sad fates and great turmoil, with the ruthless passage of time erasing entire nations. One of these tales it that...
Known to all and feared by many, the Curonians were famed for their prowess in battle, strong warrior culture, and an infamous reputation of raiding and plundering their neighboring shores. Source: destillat / Adobe Stock

Men from the Land of Amber: The Shocking History of the Fierce Curonians

The modern Baltic nations of Latvia and Lithuania owe a lot to their fierce and rich history. The fearsome tribes of Balts – close cousins to the neighboring Slavs – carved for themselves a small...
Closeup of the front side of double-side mold recently found in Switzerland.                Source: Graubünden Archaeological Service

Does This Ancient Mold Depict Christ Or Odin? You Decide

A team of excavators at an archaeological dig in Chur, Switzerland have unearthed a 1000-year-old double-sided mold that was used to forge Christian jewellery . Or was it? The unusual double-sided...
The sacred Whiteleaved Oak near Ledbury has been destroyed by fire. Source: Ledbury Fire Station / Hereford Times

Famous Sacred Historic Oak Destroyed by Fire in the UK

In England a sacred historic oak has been reduced to a burnt stump after it was engulfed by fire. This tree was a local landmark and it was venerated by people from all over the world. This sacred...
An ancient Irish feast used to take place at important times at what is now known as the Navan Centre and Fort. Source: Visit Armagh

Ancient Irish Pagans Made Epic Journeys for Ceremonial Feast

A study of animal remains at one of Ireland’s most important archaeological sites has provided researchers with new insights into the Iron Age, revealing that ancient pagans traveled vast distances...
Gothic queen in red dress doing magic

Ancient Women Shamans of Ireland: Healers, Priestesses and Diviners

All around the world many of the oldest ceremonial megalithic sites are associated with women shamans and oracular tradition and prophecy. A good example of this is Napta Playa which was linked to...
 Women shaman of Ireland in trance - magic rotates the leaves.

Ancient Women Shaman of Ireland: Goddesses of Prophecy and Omens

The Celtic scholar Nora Chadwick notes that in Irish mythology the prophetess Fedelm tells Queen Medb that she has been in the land of Alba learning the art of the Filidect. Medb asks if she has...
The Royal Mounds of Gamla Uppsala, Ancient Pagan Site of Sweden

The Royal Mounds of Gamla Uppsala, Ancient Pagan Site of Sweden

The 11th century writer and historian, Adam of Bremen described Gamla Uppsala (meaning ‘Old Uppsala’) in Sweden as a pagan site where a temple dedicated to Thor, Odin and Freyr stood. Adam wrote...