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Orang Pendek

Cave where the remains of Homo floresiensis were discovered in 2003, Lian Bua, Flores, Indonesia (CC BY-SA 2.0)

The Homo Floresiensis Controversy: The Hunt For The Modern Hobbit A Hoax?

Has the search for the modern relatives of Flores Island’s Homo floresiensis turned into a hoax-hunt? Everything that scientists thought about human evolution changed in 1856 after the first fossil...
Hard Evidence of Neolithic Little People In Scotland, Hawaii, Indonesia…

Hard Evidence of Neolithic Little People In Scotland, Hawaii, Indonesia…

From the lush, foggy hills rolling through the Scottish Isles, to the primordial peaks of glorious Hawaii, and all the way across the globe to the wild rainforests of Indonesia, evidence of a “little...
The wild man has many names throughout the legends of the ancient world. Source: warpaintcobra/ Adobe Stock.

Wild Men of the Ancient World: Legends Across the Globe Tell of a Humanoid Beast – Are They Real?

Man-like beasts appear in myths and legends of cultures around the globe. The best known ‘wild man’ phenomena of today is the Sasquatch or Big Foot of North America, but there are other legends such...