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Pazzi chapel, Santa Croce Florence, stills stands, but after the Pazzi Conspiracy against the Medici family, the Pazzis were banished and had to change their name. 		Source: adisa / Adobe Stock

The Pazzi Conspiracy: How A Florentine Family Failed And Was Banished

The Pazzi Conspiracy was a plot during the 15th century to overthrow the Medici family, who controlled Florence at the time. The conspirators, led by the Pazzi family, aimed to achieve their goal by...
The House of Borgia is depicted here as “A glass of wine with Cesare Borgia,” a painting that clearly shows the wealth and power (church power) of this illustrious and infamous family.

The House of Borgia: Family Of Great Renown, Wealth And Corruption

The House of Borgia was a noble family that rose to prominence during the 15 th and 16 th centuries. Originally from Spain, the family established itself in Italy, where they played an important role...
Someries Castle: Ruined Manor Of English Soldier Sir John Wenlock

Someries Castle: Ruined Manor Of English Soldier Sir John Wenlock

Although very grand, Someries Castle is not really a castle; rather, it is a manor house. It is believed that the estate was purchase by Sir John Wenlock from William de Someries sometime in the...
The ancient history of Korea is one of the more enigmatic historical periods of Asia and is still a subject of very active research by scholars

Jang Bogo: The Powerful Silla Kingdom Warlord And Korean Hero

The ancient history of Korea is one of the more enigmatic historical periods of Asia and is still a subject of very active research by scholars. The surviving writings of the early medieval period...
2,800-year old tombs surrounded by 28 chariots and 98 horses in China

Archaeologists in China find 2,800-year old tombs surrounded by 28 chariots and 98 horses

A team of Chinese archaeologists unearthed a set of elaborate tombs surrounded by 28 chariots and 98 horses in the province of Hubei in China in 2015. The incredible discovery dates back 2,800 years...
The ancient system of government in the land of the Pharaohs

The ancient system of government in the land of the Pharaohs

A discussion of ancient Egyptian government and administrative structures cannot be conducted in the same fashion as discussion about modern governments. This is simply due to the fact that the...