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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


Artistic representation of the caryatids in the Amphipolis tomb.

Ancient Amphipolis Tomb was Commissioned by Alexander the Great for his Closest Friend and General, Hephaestion, New Evidence Shows

New evidence has emerged that the massive underground tomb in Amphipolis, Greece, which was hailed last year as the archaeological discovery of the decade, was commissioned by Alexander the Great for...
The steam room included a tank for boiling water and a network of cells. The building will be filled in at the end of the season to preserve it for further excavations next year.

Bronze Age steam room may have been used by select Orkney settlers for rites

A sauna or steam room dating back about 4,000 years has been discovered on an island of Orkney off the northern coast of Scotland. Researchers say the sauna could have been used for cleaning or...
A Neolithic axe created by the Aboriginals of what is now Australia.

Written in Stone: Neolithic Weapons and Tools of the Australian Aboriginals

The groundswell of interest world-wide in artifacts from our prehistoric past reveals our shared humanity at a time when no written records exist to bear testimony to it. Indeed, 99% of our history...
An obsidian point is embedded in prehistoric human remains from a burial in central California.

The American Wild West had been wild for thousands of years

America’s Wild West may have been just as wild before the white man arrived with horses, guns and liquor. Analysis of more than 16,000 skeletons of Native Americans buried across 2,500 years shows...
Easter Han tomb of Luoyang, Henan Province. Representational image only.

3 Men Suffocate, Die While Looting Ancient Tomb in China

Three men have died and others were incapacitated while grave robbing an ancient tomb in China. The three men died of suffocation in the airless gravesite. Two other men in the tomb called for help,...
The flea caught in amber

Amber encases a flea infected 20 million years ago with bubonic plague-type bacteria

Closely related ancestors of the bacteria that cause the bubonic plague may be millions of years older than the 14 th century, when the disease devastated Asia and killed more than half of Europe’s...
Part of one of the hoards as it was found in 2012.

Gifts for the Gods? Over 350 Artifacts Discovered in Transylvania Begin to Provide Details on Ancient Trade Routes

Corina Bors with the National History Museum of Romania, recently presented at the European Association of Archaeologists in Glasgow, Scotland about the two massive stashes that were discovered in...
Leptis Magna to the east of Khoms

Three ancient cities to rival London, Paris and New York

London, Paris and New York are global cities: modern hubs for travel, technology and trade, their names and images echo around the globe, capturing our imaginations with their distinctive histories,...
The clay vessel that contained balsam and had written on a fragment of Solon’s poem “Prayer to the Muses.”

Thracian tomb of a princess, child, and a spiritual man saved from looters at last minute

Treasure hunters have plundered many of Bulgaria’s thousands of archaeological sites, but the tomb of an ancient Thracian family containing the remains of a princess, a child and what researchers...
Viking boat

Was it treasured Walrus Ivory that drove Vikings to sail thousands of kilometers to Greenland?

One of the puzzling mysteries of the Viking settlement during the Nordic Middle Ages may be solved by archaeologists armed with a pioneering scientific method and some ancient walrus tusks. The...
A diver securing an artifact found on the sea floor

Spectacular new artifacts recovered from 2,050-year-old Antikythera Shipwreck

Underwater archaeologists have returned to the world-famous Antikythera shipwreck in Greece and have discovered more than fifty new artifacts, including the remains of a bone flute, a bronze armrest...
The death of King Olaf at the hands of Tore Hund, Viking chief

Viking Chief Tore Hund and his successful resistance against Christian conversion

When Christians made their theological push into Europe, suppressing native religions and supplanting them with a foreign God, some pagans resisted by secretly practicing their old religion, while...
The text resembles Cyrillic letters, according to experts.

Is The Book of Veles a great Slavic text or a charlatan’s forgery?

The Book of Veles is so controversial it is banned in Russia. Its supporters say it lays out cultural, religious and historical facts about Slavs from the 7 th century BC until the 9 th century AD,...
Pharaoh and his army drown trying to cross the Red Sea, as reflected in the Old Testament. Bartolo di Fredi.

Mediterranean Tsunami Could Have Been the Inspiration for the Biblical Story of Moses Parting the Waters

Two scientists from the University of Seville, Spain, are studying the miraculous biblical parting of the Red Sea as well as the route taken by Moses and the Jewish people during their exodus through...

Exploring Ancient Lunar Legends as first Supermoon in Three Decades set to Dazzle Tonight

The moon has been an object of worship, veneration, and intrigue among ancient civilizations for thousands of years. Now, it is set to capture our admiration once again as a Supermoon lunar eclipse,...
Virtual reconstruction of two-million-year-old ear.

Scientists unravel how ancient hominids heard the world

How did the world sound to our ancient human relatives two million years ago? While we obviously don’t have any sound recordings or written records from anywhere near that long ago, we do have one...
Irtieru’s coffin is of fine quality, suggesting he was of high social status.

First kidney of ancient Egyptian mummy was found because the man was diseased

Over the years, scientists have found evidence of cancers, heart disease, starvation, ulcers, smallpox, tuberculosis and other infections in ancient remains from all over the world. Now, for the...
The calcified uterus resting in the pelvic bone of a skeleton.

Seven-Pound Calcified Uterus Unearthed in British Cemetery

Archaeologists carrying out excavations at a cemetery in southeast England discovered an unusual object resting in the pelvis of an old skeleton, which they first believed to be a skull that had...
St. Basil's Cathedral and the Spasskaya Tower of Kremlin in Moscow’s Red Square

Ancient road is the oldest ever found in Moscow

Archaeologists have discovered a road that dates back to around the founding of the city of Moscow in the 12 th century, making it the oldest ever found to date in the historic city. The Moscow Times...
Anthromorphic clay figurines from the Sao civilization, Chad.

Lost in the Mists of Time: The Ancient Sao Civilization in Central Africa

The Sao Civilization was an ancient culture located in Central Africa, in an area which is today partly owned by the countries of Cameroon and Chad. They settled along the Chari River, which is...
Painting of the many skeletons found at Mohenjo Daro (Pakistan), an exceptional ancient metropolis reduced to ruins for reasons unknown.

The Ancient Civilizations that Came Before: Building on the Ruins of the Ancestors – Part 2

Read: Self-Eradication, Or Natural Cataclysm? – Part I The literature of Egyptology is extensive. It is, however, drowned in the – isms : skepticism, relativism, materialism, presentism,...
Detail of Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting, The Mona Lisa. It now hangs in the Louvre in Paris.

Archaeologists say they have found the bones of Mona Lisa, but cannot extract DNA

A team of researchers seeking to unveil the true identity of the mysterious model who sat for Leonardo da Vinci’s world renowned painting, The Mona Lisa, say they have found bones of the woman with...
A Muisca observatory or calendar, El Infiernito, Colombia

El Infiernito: Sacred Site of the Muisca Civilization of Colombia

El Infiernito ( Little Hell), is a pre-Columbian archaeological site near Villa de Leyva in Monquira, Colombia, that was built by the agricultural Muisca civilization that lived between 600-1600 AD...
John Martin's The End of the World, which depicts the "destruction of Babylon and the material world by natural cataclysm”. (Public Domain)

The Ancient Civilizations that Came Before: Self-Eradication, Or Natural Cataclysm? – Part I

Humanity has grown so old that it has forgotten its infancy, and the origin of man is shrouded in mystery. Conventional wisdom states that humanity was primitive in the past and then things started...
