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Twenty burials in Greece may be linked to Macedonian kings

Discovery of twenty burials in Greece may be linked to Macedonian kings

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A Greek archaeologist has announced the discovery of 20 burials near Macedonia’s ancient capital in northern Greece.  Researchers are hoping that the graves are associated with the early Macedonian kings.

The tombs were found at Vergina, a town in Northern Greece identified as Aegae (Aigai) - the first capital of the Macedonians. The town became internationally famous in 1977, when the Greek archaeologist Manolis Andronikos unearthed the burial site of the kings of Macedon, including the tomb of Philip II, father of Alexander the Great. This view is challenged by some archaeologists who believe it may instead be the tomb of Alexander’s half-brother Philip III Arrhidaeus.

The unplundered tomb dating from 335 BC, displayed the golden larnax with the star symbol of the Macedonian kings, known from Macedonian shields and coins, decorating its cover: sixteen rays of different length around a central rosette. Inside the larnax were found human remains covered with a golden wreath of oak leaves. Other finds in the chamber included an iron breastplate, ceremonial shield, iron Macedonian helmet, the royal diadem, and weapons.

Archaeologists have been interested in the hills around Vergina since as early as the 1850s and the site still draws researchers and experts to this day. The latest discovery shows that there is still much that the town has to offer.

Excavator Angeliki Kottaridi said that the tombs had been looted and largely dismantled in antiquity. However, researchers did find vases and a sword and it is hoped that further study may reveal the owners of the tomb, which Kottaridi said “might perhaps be linked” with Alexander I and his son, Perdiccas II. Both reigned in the 5th century BC, a century before the most famous ancient Macedonian king, Alexander III the Great.

Macedonia or Macedon was an ancient Greek kingdom that flourished from 808 to 167 BC. The rise of Macedon, from a small kingdom at the periphery of Classical Greek affairs, to one which came to dominate the entire Hellenic world, occurred under Philip II’s reign. For a brief period, after the conquests of Alexander the Great, it became the most powerful state in the world, controlling a territory that included the former Persian Empire, stretching as far as the Indus River; at that time it inaugurated the Hellenistic period of Ancient Greek civilization.

Featured image: Facade of Philip II of Macedon tomb in Vergina, Greece, discovered in 1977. Photo credit: Wikipedia

By April Holloway



For all who say that Ancient Macedonia was different country from Greece with different language...

Have you ever seen the Ancient Macedonian Monuments? You dont see that everything is written in Ancient Greek Language??? Are you blind??? Do you know that the names "Phillip" and "Alexander" and even "Macedon" are Greek words??? All the Greek words has a meaning and an etymology in Greek language! Read some real history, check the Greek language and the Macedonian monuments and all these names and words and dont eat the Skopjan Propaganda!!!

Peace brothers!

Actually the confusion starts in the 19th century when historians at the time considered Macedonians to be Greeks. Ancient Greek authors, ancient Roman authors as well as other ancient authors made clear distinction that Macedonians spoke language that was different from all Greek dialects and considered them separate people. Greeks themselves considered Macedonians barbarians which means exactly that - people who do not speak Greek..

Macedonia was always part of Greece until very recently.. Yes Macedonia was it's own Kingdom just as Athens, Sparta, and every ancient City in Greece each their own Kingdom and yes they did fight each other to conquer but they were still Greek and Greece. Treaties and unifications between Kingdoms occurred as in Athens with Piraeus they formed alliances to help protect themselves from other enemies and putting their own differences aside. The language was always Greek.
The original Olympics were only for greeks, the Macedonians always took part.
History has a way of lately being rewritten and confusing the future generations as to what really happened, and unfortunately that has occurred in less than the past 100 years. I fear that in a few more generations the truth will be lost and the inaccuracies will replace what really happened and that's a shame..

Macedonia and Greece were two different countries that eventually over time, through migration, war, and whatnot, they became a mergerd society somewhat. Today Macadonia still exsists and is seperate from Greece but the cultures and people are still mixed today. There are Macadonia greeks that live in both Greece and Macadonia to this day...


The Macedonians ({{lang-el|Μακεδόνες}a}, Makedónes) were an ancient tribe from the northeastern part of the Greek peninsula, in the alluvial plain around the rivers Haliacmon and lower Axios. Generally described as an ancient Greek people,[1] they gradually expanded from their homeland along the Haliacmon valley on the northern edge of the Greek world, absorbing or driving out various neighbouring tribes (primarily Thracian and Illyrian) during this process.[2][3]

Although composed of various clans, the Kingdom of Macedon, established around the 8th century BC, is mostly associated with the Argead dynasty dynasty and the tribe named after it. Traditionally ruled by independent families, the Macedonians seem to have accepted Argead rule by the time of King Alexander I (r. 498–454 BC). Under King Philip II (r. 359–336 BC), they are credited with numerous military innovations which enlarged their territory and increased their control over other areas, which led to the exploits of Alexander the Great, the establishment of several realms from the Diadochi, and the inauguration of the Hellenistic civilization.

Sorry April, but I am not buying this story. If this ancient Macedonian burials were found near the first capital of Macedonia, as you say, how come later in the text that Macedonia  was  part of ancient Greek kingdom and conquer  and dominate itself?

Correct me if I am wrong, but I though that they were  different cultures, spoke in different languages, and established their kingdom long before the rise of Athens and Sparta.

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April Holloway is a Co-Owner, Editor and Writer of Ancient Origins. For privacy reasons, she has previously written on Ancient Origins under the pen name April Holloway, but is now choosing to use her real name, Joanna Gillan.

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