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Detail of Narmer smiting an enemy, portrayed on the Narmer Palette, Nekhen, Egypt.	Source: Public Domain

Narmer's Reign: The Epic Beginnings of Ancient Egypt (Video)

In the 31st century BC, Narmer , an ambitious king of Upper Egypt, orchestrated a pivotal conquest, uniting both Upper and Lower Egypt and establishing himself as the first ruler of the combined...
The Narmer Palette discovered at Nekhen. Source: Public domain

Predynastic Site Emerges from the Sand: Nekhen, City of the Hawk

Nekhen was once a bustling city located on the western bank of the River Nile in predynastic ancient Egypt, well before the construction of the pyramids. Also known as Hierakonpolis, the Greek for “...
The god Horus represented by a falcon at the Temple of Edfu. Source: Edyta / Adobe Stock

The Cult of Horus: Myths That Stretch From Egypt To Rome

Horus (also known as Heru) was one of the most important deities in the ancient Egyptian pantheon . The ancient Egyptians worshipped Horus mainly as the sky god and the god of kingship. In the cult...
Pre-dynastic settlement of Nekhen

Pre-dynastic tomb sheds light on Egyptian life before Pharaohs

Earlier this month, archaeologists announced the discovery of an extremely rare tomb containing a preserved mummy and numerous artifacts, which date back to a period which predates the First...
Pre-dynastic tomb and mummy uncovered in Egypt

Pre-dynastic tomb and mummy uncovered in Egypt dating back an incredible 5,600 years

Archaeologists in Egypt have found an extremely rare tomb containing a preserved mummy and numerous artifacts, which date back to a period which predates the First Pharaonic Dynasty, according to a...