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The Nine Signs of White Feather’s Prophecies - Hopi

Hopi Prophecy and the End of the Fourth World—Part 2

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The Nine Signs of White Feather’s Prophecies

In the summer of 1958 a minister named David Young was driving across the Four Corners region of the U.S. when he picked up an old Hopi man named White Feather by the side of the road. This spiritual elder of the Bear Clan (the most sacred of all the Hopi clans) confessed that all his sons were dead and that the Hopi ceremonial cycle was slowly becoming extinct. After sensing Reverend Young was trustworthy, he decided to pass along nine primary Hopi prophecies that together would herald the destruction of the Fourth World.

White Feather stated that these “Nine Signs” would mean that the Fourth World was about to come to a close. He said that his ancestors had foretold the coming of all of the following events, long before they arrived:

  • White-skinned people would take possession of the land and carry thunder-sticks that strike like lightning (rifles and pistols).
  • Spinning wheels with voices in them would come (whirring wagon wheels and/or whining car tires; or, alternately, the spinning of records and CDs).
  • Huge, strange beasts would appear, looking somewhat like buffalo but with long horns (cattle).
  • “Snakes of iron” would spread across the land (railroads).
  • “A giant spider web” would crisscross the land  (telegraph, telephone, power lines, and now the Internet—the World Wide Web).
  • “Rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun” would crisscross Hopi-land (concrete highways in the desert with their mirages of water).
  • The ocean would turn black and all the living things in it would die (summer 2010, Gulf oil spill).
  • Young people with long hair would come to Hopi-land to learn Native ways (the counter-culture revolution of the late 1960s and early 1970s).
  • A “dwelling place in the heavens” would crash to earth, thereby producing a brilliant blue star ( Sakwa Sohu). The Blue Star Kachina would remove his mask in the village plaza during a sacred kachina dance. After that, all Hopi ceremonies would cease entirely.

 (Note: Kachinas—also spelled katsinam, plural, and katsina, singular—are spirit messengers between the world of the gods and the world of humans. They are analogous to angels in the Christian religion.)

All these portents are not strictly chronological, but the final sign will certainly conclude the series and may trigger the end of the Fourth World.

Kiva Kachina Dance

‘Kiva Kachina Dance’ by Ray Naha. (

Warfare With Those Who Possessed the First Light of Wisdom

White Feather furthermore said that the conclusion of the Fourth World would be accompanied by great wars and mass destruction. He believed this would especially occur in the lands where the “first light of wisdom” appeared—perhaps the Middle East or the Near East? Fiery columns of smoke would rise, which might remind us of either the surrealistic scene of Saddam Hussein setting his oil wells on fire during the first Gulf War or the “Shock and Awe” campaign of the subsequent, disastrous Iraq War. Remember, this humble Hopi man was talking in 1958.

These are the Signs that great destruction is coming. The world shall rock to and fro. The white man will battle against other people in other lands—with those who possessed the first light of wisdom. [italics added] There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as White Feather has seen the white man make in the deserts not far from here. Only those which come will cause disease and a great dying. Many of my people, understanding the prophecies, shall be safe. Those who stay and live in the places of my people also shall be safe.

Thus, the territory in northern Arizona in the vicinity of the Hopi reservation will apparently be a safe haven during the transition between the end of the Fourth World and the beginning of the Fifth. White Feather’s account is corroborated by a passage from the classic Book of the Hopi, written by Frank Waters and Oswald White Bear Fredericks, published in 1963.

World War III will be started by those peoples who first received the light [the divine wisdom or intelligence] in the other old countries [India, China, Egypt, Palestine, Africa]. The United States will be destroyed, land and people, by atomic bombs and radioactivity. Only the Hopis and their homeland will be preserved as an oasis to which refugees will flee.
(The brackets in this quotation were inserted by the author Frank Waters.)

We need not be reminded of the early 2011 turmoil in North Africa and the Middle East known as the “Arab Spring.” Mass protests and unrest resulted in the deaths of innocent people who sought to throw off the yoke of dictatorship, military rule, or repressive theocracies. Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Iraq, and Syria may be the lands with the “first light of wisdom,” to which the Hopi elder referred more than a half century ago. The complexities of the various factions and issues unfortunately preclude any easy political or diplomatic answers or actions.         

Meanwhile the apocalyptic strife continues to occur right before our eyes. The human suffering, mass executions, and deplorable hunger that we see on our TVs and computer screens naturally makes us recoil in despair. It is as if we are paralyzed by what someone has called “fear porn.” To make matters worse, a small minority of the general populace has assumed the role of fear monger, who interprets every major political or social event with some sort of conspiracy theory, some “false flag” operation. These purveyors of paranoia believe that nefarious truths lurk behind every headline, keeping many of us in a perpetual state of anxiety. 

Universal Trial by Fire

On the other hand, let’s not pretend to be New Age Pollyannas. The Hopi basically believe that humankind must go through a very rough period called the Purification—a kind of universal trial by fire. This ordeal will essentially separate the wheat from the chaff, or more pertinent to the Hopi, the spiritual corn (maize) from the materialistic stalk.

So the end of the Fourth World will be hard—harder for some than for others. Another spiritual elder named Dan Evehema, also from the village of Hotevilla and also over one hundred years old when he passed on, talked about the cosmic results of what today we call “income inequality.” He claimed that the Day of Purification (the Apocalypse?) would “…culminate either in total rebirth or total annihilation—we don’t know which. But the choice is yours, war and natural catastrophe may be involved. The degree of violence will be determined by the degree of inequity caused among peoples of the world and in balance with nature. In this crisis rich and poor will be forced to struggle as equals in order to survive.

Most Hopi people ultimately believe, however, that this transition between world-ages will not mean the total “end of the world ” as we know it, but rather the beginning of what they call the Fifth World—a time of peace for humanity and pristine harmony with Mother Nature. Leaning more toward the possibility of renaissance (literally, rebirth) and regeneration rather than annihilation and desolation, Grandfather Monongye describes this Purification and its ultimate outcome.

It will then open our hearts and minds when a new age is about to be, with people renewed and purified through fire. It will be like the pure gold of a new day. But fire is red, and when it takes command, it will set the forces of nature in motion. We will then know purification day has come. We all are the caretakers of life. The balance of nature depends on us. The world will be what we want it to be.

Featured image: Petroglyphs in northern Arizona depicting the Hopi Creator in a prayer stance with upraised palms. This is superimposed with a cloud symbol and a snake symbol. Copyright: Gary A. David

Copyright © 2014 Gary A. David. All rights reserved. Website:


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By Gary A. David



Go into Google and check the definition of both of those words. You will find that there is a radical difference in the two.
They would not let me put the links here because of the SPAM filter.

Since I am a Spiritualist, and not a Christian, I understand the difference between the two.

You might want to dig into the more interesting history of the HOPI when a great white traveler was welcomed into the HOPI clans for a brief time. He was well liked. He told them that he would return to visit another time. During the quests of the Spaniards for their gold, they met a HOPI leader. The HOPI leader knowing the legends, thought perhaps this was the White one returning for a visit. So he held out his hand curved face up. The arrogant Spaniard thought he was begging and threw him silver coins. The HOPI knew this was not the great White one. The gesture of the curved palm up hand is that of Nachwach... half of the gesture of a friendship hand shake. The other half is the curved hand with palm down. The fingers latch together in a bond of friendship.
The great White one has yet to visit again on the lands.
Masau u is not the Devil, or Lucifer of the old writings. He is the guardian, not only of the HOPI lands, but the guardian of the underworld. One thing for sure, you respect him when on the HOPI lands. You do not steal from the lands, not even a piece or shard of pottery. You respect the land and the people at all times. Bye the way, I had the great experience of sitting down and comparing notes with the writer Frank Waters, a few years before he died. Very nice fellow. Well respected among the Clans. Your mention of the Force..Probably the closest description of the ways of the universe long before the time of Earth... Until you personally experience a manifestation of a spiritual entity for yourself, you will forever doubt both the real world and the Spirit world. Be very careful of all the priests, pastors, politicians, and those dedicated to a single cause. Learn to test all....test the Spirits....getting past the evil will add to your enlightenment. So I was taught by some great people...and the HOPI.

Thank you for your reply in wisdom and respect.

I would be honored and of course delighted to meet.

The Hopi clearly knew the law of polarity, the knowledge on the tree of life/knowledge
I have touched and dwelt in the spirit world, which is not so extraordinary as my birth date is 30/06/1979 in the year of the sheep/goat/lamb, and I became 36 years of age on the 30th of June 2015 , again in the Chinese year of the sheep/goat/lamb, and yes.. my Mom is a Virgo, and my names also have meanings which correlate to the elements considered important as it seems after my own self research, just finding myself... and please feel free to look me up on facebook, either my blog to get some overall understanding where I am coming from and what I had to acknowledge about who I am after so many years following my heart, soul and breaking down the old layers overcoming my ego self, and accept my true self after so many years battling my fears and insecurities, with a very blessed outcome I must say, but that hasn't been always the case, as you soon either someday will agree on.. but it was all worth it. and I must say with all the input and assistance from all the dark and light personification through out my life's journey I have been great full to be directly supported and guided by what I call ''the leading authority on transformation' which gave me the opportunity to confirm, connect and experience the wisdom of the ancient historical truths and it might allow me to assist some to provide some details on the path of divinity, EGO traits are egoism and egocentric behaviors human kind needs to overcome, to open the heavenly realms, where everything is considered as equally important and part of the whole... please rest assured I have been allowed to do my part in the sense of the vibration and synchronization ''so as above, so is below'' 2011 I had a 4 hour upload/download with the 5th dimension, and according my energetic therapist have touched and resided on the 13 Chakra level, and I have nearly lifted of on the kundalini energy when it kicked in, and had a flaming experience on top of my head for 24 hours straight, my car was out of order for 5 days from the vibration I charged it with, and my telephone was giving me all kinds of errors for 3 weeks after .. I am just lucky to have fully re-birthed and visualize it in such way, it connects with every symbolic reference ever made, at least most of them. you can check it out if you like. just coming from a sincere intention, the rest is up to the eye of the beholder.. Thank you and warmest regards, Jorn Jakob Albert Boor

Jorn: It would be an interesting retreat in a remote area of the world residing in a cabin with in and external pleasant surroundings. It would probably take me a couple of weeks to get caught up on the concepts you expressed. I would have to build a knowledge base connecting all those quotes and references...then...maybe we would come close to being on the same page. Then, maybe we could jointly meld factual knowledge and paths of truths into a new body of documented enlightenment.
See, there are some people that understand that only one view of the universe is the only true one. I see you leave spots open to obtain enlightenment (positive) when you see opportunity to advance. Thus said... be aware that too much biblical knowledge sort of tips the scales a bit. I spent a great deal of study in creation theories all across the world. Did so to prevent me from having been over powered by Judeo- Christian theology. I have always wanted to gather as much knowledge as possible and put it in the stew, let it talk to itself and see what common thread of realism emerges.
My personal salt for the pot or seasoning that a great many have no taste for is the belief that all life came from extraterrestrial origin.
One of the quotes from an author about the HOPI.... "They were sealed in silver reeds and traveled across the darkness until they arrived on a new home. Their old home had been destroyed . The Kachinas at first were real as guardians, teaching them the ways to live both with each other and within the new environment of the new home. Since all is vibration, they were taught the seen and the unseen and how to respect both . They were taught positive from negative, light from dark, good from evil.
You may need to read the fiction account of You Forever to get a grasp on the vibration concept of the universe to explain reality and the spirit world. and why we have contorted multiple religious beliefs. Looking forward to the meeting someday....hope you like to play flute and pan drums.

Donn Shands

Jorn: It would be an interesting retreat in a remote area of the world residing in a cabin with in and external pleasant surroundings. It would probably take me a couple of weeks to get caught up on the concepts you expressed. I would have to build a knowledge base connecting all those quotes and references...then...maybe we would come close to being on the same page. Then, maybe we could jointly meld factual knowledge and paths of truths into a new body of documented enlightenment.
See, there are some people that understand that only one view of the universe is the only true one. I see you leave spots open to obtain enlightenment (positive) when you see opportunity to advance. Thus said... be aware that too much biblical knowledge sort of tips the scales a bit. I spent a great deal of study in creation theories all across the world. Did so to prevent me from having been over powered by Judeo- Christian theology. I have always wanted to gather as much knowledge as possible and put it in the stew, let it talk to itself and see what common thread of realism emerges.
My personal salt for the pot or seasoning that a great many have no taste for is the belief that all life came from extraterrestrial origin.
One of the quotes from an author about the HOPI.... "They were sealed in silver reeds and traveled across the darkness until they arrived on a new home. Their old home had been destroyed . The Kachinas at first were real as guardians, teaching them the ways to live both with each other and within the new environment of the new home. Since all is vibration, they were taught the seen and the unseen and how to respect both . They were taught positive from negative, light from dark, good from evil.
You may need to read the fiction account of You Forever to get a grasp on the vibration concept of the universe to explain reality and the spirit world. and why we have contorted multiple religious beliefs. Looking forward to the meeting someday....hope you like to play flute and pan drums.

Donn Shands

Thank you for such a trust and faith full based message, you are very attuned to reality and intuition.
Indeed you are right about testing individuals, the difficulties lie in who believes he can come to accurate conclusive test results, if most of critical religious inclined can't even separate astrology from evil intentions, though astronomy, astrology, geometry and other ''demonized' parts of creation are seen like false teachings and false sources created by the devil to trick one... I really have been surprised of how derailed and contradictory believers have become, Constantine has done a great job in the past in his attempt to create a gap between the old testament believers and the old testament roots, like the old is outdated and the new ''Only Christians intended part of scriptures as the mind set up to the present era'' the new testament is written as a more detailed version of the book of Isaiah (Yeshua) but the source lies in Genesis, the blessings given to the 3 patriarchs.we all must admit the focus was clearly on Jacob, and the 12 tribes (zodiac signs) which later was addressed in a reestablished perception to touch the imaginative realms of the subconscious as creation / evolution developed in the direction of the last spiritual ''Adam'' so it was meant as admission to the book(s) of Moses (Genesis) as basic, and the prophecy's from Isaiah up to Malachi would announce the very accurate transition from the 3th dimension (Adam in the flesh, natural.. through the 4th dimension (The complex, chaotic and confusing period whereas the polarity, contradictory behavior of mankind makes it's distinction between two transparent option which to choose direction. there are two baskets, 1 with fresh juicy fruit, and 1 basket with rotten due settlement between those two options, no consensus either meeting half way agreements, either righteousness, morality, no prejudices, no condemnations and no other way than truth, and nothing but the truth... the new age (after 2001) Rainbow Children have the spiritual grounded consciousness inhabited in their DNA already, and are divinely equipped with the 5th dimensional reality, though under divine protection, their outer environmental features are still confusing and beyond awkward.. they will be okay, we all be... when one crosses the dam, more will follow and so Armageddon is translated by the following: The EGO (soul) is overcoming the EGO self, which characterized by two main traits egoism and egocentric behavioral elements of human focus, materialism and individualism are possibly closest synonyms I can come up with, of course we all see the basic source for the complex, technological over dependency fear-based stressed course of action humans are heading on, blind to even see their running towards their own extinction because of the ''competitive perception'' on civilization and our enhanced principles we think to distinct ourselves with as the 1st world developed standard for living, and the 3th world must be existing under our responsibilities and remain our foundation to keep a clear conscience and proud feeling for our 3th world development plans and efforts, wrong! The foundation lies there where people are still living a real, day to day basis with their both feet on the ground, without the ''consumer'' ''capitalistic'' based society. which by logical means is a spiritual impoverished 3th world rising itself to its doom / downfall in a way even G-d is severely impressed by, and follows it with utmost interest ;-) but peace comes from chaos, behind the clouds the sun shines, and the sun beams are the visualization of the Jacobs ladder, either up or down, where the angels ascending, descending to help a hand and kick some butt until we all head for the right direction... Sirius is our promising guidance pointing towards a fortunate future, because he rises with a radiation light as bright as can be, so we all will be okay. the wisdom of past historical influences will be and are remembered and respected and acknowledged more and more each day, so i a way ''the dead are brought to life'' and this era will indeed as such assign us to eternal life of sacred proportions. to finalize creation and enjoy our ''Golden era of 1000 year peace and heavenly honey and dew'' the Sabbath. The house of righteousness, Jesus means ''G-d will help'' Jerusalem means ''city of peace'' to bad the temple is again perceived as a material structure, but ach .. physical hard work is always adding proper strength and healthy elements to our being, so sstttt nobody needs to tell forth, it will spoil it is ''the first Adam in the flesh, the natural body... the last Adam is in the spirit, the holy ghost'' so as of-course will the temple be found in the spiritual dimensions and the reality of the completion and thus liberation of the inner kingdom the birth of the true self, the divine self as we create in our/his image, as this is the bread (th) of life, our infinite foundation, our conquered Goliath, our escape out of the whale's belly, our divine gift we have worked very hard for, and major sacrifices by faith and knowing there is more to all of this, it must be ! ;-) Yes, welcome to the ''House of Jakob'' the supplanter, the one who will be acknowledged to make a plea for a positive way forward, as mentioned in both the Koran, Torah, The old testament and The new testament, and although missed to notice before let's throw in a reference point for your consideration and convenience: Matthew 8 11-11 and Matthew 8 17-17 and Lucas 3 4-4 Lucas 4 17-17 and all these references connect the new back to the old again, and the damage Constantine intended to create, is glued together again, inseparable. ''Home is where Love is'' Now let's see who deserves to make conclusions according true and false prophets... ;-) Have a great one! Jakob is in the house....


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Gary A. David

Gary A. David is an author, independent researcher, and archaeo-astronomer. For over twenty-five years he has studied the archaeological ruins and rock art of the American Southwest. His nonfiction books explore Hopi mythology, star knowledge, and rituals,... Read More

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