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Five mummified remains found in Huaca la Florida, Lima. Source: Peru Ministry of Culture

1,000-Year-Old Child Mummies Unearthed From Sacred Ceremonial Space in Lima

In Peru, four mummified children, estimated to be over 1,000 years old, have been unearthed in what is now considered one of Lima's oldest neighborhoods, with their skulls still having hair on them!...
Representational image of a mummy found in Peru. Source: Matthias Kestel / Adobe Stock.

1,000-Year-Old Long-Haired Mummy Unearthed in Peru

In the heart of Miraflores, a part of Lima’s bustling city center, the well-preserved Huaca Pucllana ceremonial center site has yielded the remains of a 1,000-year-old mummy, dated to the beginning...
Lady and duenna, wearing their tapada limeña, going to church, by Pancho Fierro. Source: Public domain

Peruvian Women Once Wore Burka-Like Attire as Cloaks of Rebellion

In an era where the term “ burka ” evokes images of oppressive regimes, notably Afghanistan's coercive imposition on women, it may come as a surprise that the tapada limeña (meaning “the covered one...
Representative image of mummy in Nazca, Peru. Source: Matthias Kestel/Adobe Stock

Students Find A Mummy In A Temple, Beneath A Peruvian Trash Site

Dump diving in Lima, archaeology students removed 8-tonnes of rubbish to reveal a rare, mummified body from Peru's ancient Manchay culture. Astonishingly, they also identified a colossal U-shaped...
Discovery of an elite tomb was made ahead of renovation work in a working-class neighborhood in Lima. Source: Reuters / YouTube

Pre-Colonial Elite Tomb Discovered Under Working-Class Home in Lima

In May 2022 I wrote an Ancient Origins news article about the discovery of “42, syphilis -ridden, colonial Spaniards.” These bodies were unearthed at a 500-year-old hospital in Lima, Peru’s capital...
Left; Portrait of Francisco Pizarro. Right; The tomb of Francisco Pizarro in the Lima Cathedral held the wrong man’s remains for nearly a century, but modern science has corrected the error with Pizarro’s remains, found in two boxes beneath the cathedral in 1977.						Source: Left; Public Domain, Right; RAF-YYC / CC BY-SA 2.0

Finding Francisco Pizzaro: The Strange Story of Pizarro’s Remains

It’s fair to say that Francisco Pizarro was a highly divisive figure. Indeed, even a mention of him today in some parts of the world can incite blood fueled anguish and hatred of the man responsible...
Peruvian hairless dog. Source: CC BY SA 3.0

Hairless Dogs Hang Out at Peru’s Ancient Pyramids

Ancient hairless dogs parade around Peru’s pyramids, looking for new love. A Peruvian hairless dog known as “perro peruano sin pelo” is defined by its shiny black leathery wrinkled skin, broken by...
Human remains and textile found in a burial at the Huaca Bellavista archaeological site in Peru.

Why Were Chinese Workers Buried at a Pre-Inca Huaca in Peru?

An important site for one ancient culture usually had an appeal for those following them. For example, sacred Cañari sites in Ecuador were often recreated into Inca sites, then Spanish colonials used...
Unravelling the Mystery of The Marcahuasi Ruins and Their Connection with Egypt

Unravelling the Mystery of The Marcahuasi Ruins and Their Connection with Egypt

The Marcahuasi Ruins are a group of rocks located on a plateau in the Andes Mountains of Peru. These rocks are notable for their curious shapes, and various hypotheses have been put forward to...
One of the dogs that was found buried with a human in what is now the Lima zoo. The zoo has underneath it layers of previous civilizations, as does much of Lima.

Slain Humans Buried with Strangled Dogs Found at Prehistoric Site in Peru

Remains of two humans who died violent deaths about 1,000 years ago and buried with 10 dogs that were likely strangled and two guinea pigs have been unearthed at a site of the ancient Ychsma people...
The recently discovered cactus, possibly belonging to the hallucinogenic species San Pedro (Echinopsis pachanoi).

Surprising Offering of a Hallucinogenic Cactus Discovered in Prehispanic Temple in Lima

Chuquitanta or El Paraíso (The Paradise) are the modern names for a monumental archaeological complex located in the Chillon River valley, several kilometers north of downtown Lima and dated to the...
An Inca-era water canal at Tipón, Peru

2000-year-old Canals Give Life to Lima as Ancient Structures Utilized to Solve Water Crisis

Peru has been facing a severe water crisis as chronic problems such as polluted water supplies and environmental change combine to undermine the water security of the entire country. However, the...
An archaeologist working in one of the tombs found at the Huaca Pucllana archaeological site in Lima, Peru.

Four Pre-Inca Burials Discovered at 1500-year-old Site in Peru

Four burial sites have been unearthed in a cemetery recently discovered at the Huaca Pucllana archaeological site located in the residential neighborhood of Miraflores, in Lima, Peru. One...
Photo of one of the burials discovered at Chan Chan, Peru.

Thirty Two Pre-Hispanic Mummies Uncovered in Peru

A team of Peruvian archaeologists have discovered 32 pre-Hispanic mummies at two separate sites located between La Libertad and Lima. The burials revealed skeletal remains, jewelry, textiles, and...
1500-year-old canals of Wari culture to be revived in attempt to solve Lima water crisis

1500-year-old canals of Wari culture to be revived in attempt to solve Lima water crisis

Peru has been facing a severe water crisis as chronic problems, such as polluted water supplies, and environmental change combine to undermine the water security of the entire country. However, a new...
Moche Mummy - Peru, Lima

Sacrificed Woman Discovered in Cao Ruins of Peru

Archaeologists investigating the Cao Viejo ruins at the El Brujo complex have found the mummified remains of a sacrificed woman of the Moche culture , which occupied Peru’s northern coastal valleys...