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Miniature on a initial 'D' with a scene representing teeth ("dentes"). A dentist with silver forceps and a necklace of large teeth, extracting the tooth of a seated man. (England (London); 1360-1375

What Was Dentistry Like In The Medieval Period? (Video)

Dentistry in the medieval period was a challenging and often painful experience, reflecting the limited medical knowledge and resources of the time. Unlike today, the absence of anesthetics and...
Roman baths, Bath, England. 	Source: ctj71081/CC BY-SA 2.0

How Were Roman Baths Cleaned? (Video)

Roman baths were integral to daily life, serving as communal spaces for exercise, socialization, and relaxation. These baths were architecturally diverse, ranging from small sheds to grand complexes...
Roman Baths in Bath, England. The house is a well-preserved Roman site for public bathing.

The Roman Baths Had Ancient Healing Powers

The history of the Roman Baths in Bath, England, unveils a narrative rich in intrigue and cultural significance. Bath , known for its elegant Georgian architecture today, has a murky origin tale...
Drawing on a tomb/wall from Ankhmahor, Sakkara, Egypt, of an adult circumcision. Source: Public Domain

What Surgery Was Like in Ancient Egypt (Video)

Surgery in ancient Egypt was a remarkable display of ingenuity and resourcefulness. Despite the absence of modern anesthesia and antiseptic methods, ancient Egyptian physicians demonstrated...
Roman Baths in Bath, England. The house is a well-preserved Roman site for public bathing. 	Source: bnoragitt/Adobe Stock

The Roman Baths Had Ancient Healing Powers (Video)

The history of the Roman Baths in Bath, England, unveils a narrative rich in intrigue and cultural significance. Bath , known for its elegant Georgian architecture today, has a murky origin tale...
(Left) Photo shows an Egyptian painted wood mummy portrait of a woman from the Roman period, circa 2nd or 3rd century AD. (Right) Cinnabar was widely used as a decorative pigment as well as a toxic cosmetic. A Chinese "cinnabar red" carved lacquer box from the Qing dynasty. Source: Public Domain, Andrew Lih / CC BY SA 2.0

Seven Unusual Beauty Treatments That Ancient Women Used (Video)

In the pursuit of beauty, ancient women employed unconventional methods, challenging modern notions of glamour. Foot binding , prevalent in 10th-century China, exemplifies the extremes sought for...
Image from the Philips Sonicare toothbrush advertisement. Source: CM Dental.

Romans Used Powdered Mouse Brain and Human Urine in Their Toothpaste

Romans were particularly meticulous about their oral care, but their toothpaste recipes were anything but ordinary. A primary ingredient in Roman toothpaste was powdered charcoal, derived from...
Must Farm razor. Source: YouTube Screenshot / AncientCraftUK.

Bronze Age Razor Discovery Raises Exciting Questions (Video)

In the exploration of Must Farm's (a Bronze Age settlement at Must Farm quarry near Peterborough, England) archaeological treasures , the revelation of a Bronze Age razor unveils a surprising facet...
The starboard toilet on the beakhead of the warship Vasa, displayed in the Vasa Museum in Stockholm, Sweden. (Peter Isotalo / CC by SA 3.0)

Toilets on a Pirate Ship and the Sorry Guy Who Cleaned Them... (Video)

Sanitation aboard a pirate ship was far from ideal. Bathing was a rarity, and clean clothes were scarce, often stolen from other ships. Hot baths were a luxury reserved for the sick, usually onshore...
Fleas on rats spread the plague. Source: kichigin19 / Adobe Stock.

What Hygiene Was Like During the Black Plague? (Video)

In the 14th century , European hygiene during the Black Plague was far from ideal. Bathing was infrequent, and people resorted to remedies like vinegar and even urine to combat the disease due to a...
Vikings used grooming tools like bone combs. Source: Fxquadro / Adobe Stock.

What Viking Hygiene Was Like (Video)

During the Viking era, Norse people placed a strong emphasis on hygiene and grooming . They combed their hair daily, bathed regularly, and frequently changed their clothes. Viking men sported a...
Medieval toilet. Source: Mikhail / Adobe Stock.

From Pits to Flushes: The Strange History of Toilets (Video)

Throughout history, human waste disposal has undergone a remarkable transformation. In ancient India, as early as 2500 BC, the Indus Valley showcased a rudimentary toilet and sewer system that was...
Aztec warriors. Source: Arthur / Adobe Stock.

The Ancient Aztec Took Hygiene Very Seriously (Video)

Thanks to their penchant for human sacrifice the Aztecs have a rather gruesome reputation, but what was their hygiene like? As it turns out, they upheld remarkable standards of hygiene. Their...
Traditional soap-making factory in Palestine. Source: Meysam Mah’abadi / CC by SA 4.0.

How Ancient Palestinian Soap Is Made (Video)

In the heart of Nablus, Palestine , Ahmed Darwish el Fakhouri continues a time-honored tradition passed down through three generations in his family. At his soap-making factory , he spends his days...
Dentistry in the Middle Ages. Source: Archivist / Adobe Stock.

Dental Hygiene in the Middle Ages (Video)

Medieval dental hygiene debunked the misconception of poor oral health . Contrary to popular belief, our ancestors prioritized tooth care and believed that diseases could be spread through bad breath...
Medieval man cleaning his hands. Source: AI Generated.

Grimy No More: How Medieval Folk Kept Clean (Video)

In medieval times , hand cleanliness was essential after a day of manual labor. While wiping hands on the ground was a common practice, water was the primary cleansing agent. However, water alone...
Roman soldier with hairless body, now found to be achieved using tweezers. Source: Gabi Moisa/Adobe Stock

Caesars Loved Tweezers! Plucking Romans Were Obsessed With Hair Removal

More than 50 pairs of tweezers have been found at one of Roman Britain’s largest settlements, providing a link into the deep-rooted history of hair removal practices! Wroxeter City Shropshire is the...
Roman bathhouse. Source: 4K_Heaven / Adobe Stock.

Keeping it Clean: A Look at Ancient Hygiene Practices (Video)

From the Sumerians and Egyptians to the Victorians and beyond, humans have been striving to keep their surroundings clean since they first settled down and built permanent homes. Before civilization...
Broken parts of the flush toilet unearthed from the Yueyang archaeological site in Xi'an, Shaanxi province. Source: China Daily.

The Royal Flush: 2,400-Year-Old Toilet Used by Emperors Unearthed in China

Archaeologists have unearthed the bottom half of a manual flush toilet that dates back 2,400 years in the Yueyang archaeological site in China’s Shaanxi province. Yueyang served as a capital city...
Top image: Ancient Greek athlete.  Source: Fxquadro / Adobe Stock

The Sweaty Body Grime of Greek and Roman Athletes was a Hot Commodity

The ancient Greeks and Romans had very different ideas on how to stay clean. For despite the Roman (deserved?) reputation for hygiene due to their elaborate plumbing systems, heated public baths and...
From the Old Colosseum, by Valdemar Irminger. Source: Public domain

10 Shocking Facts about the Ancient Romans

When studying ancient societies, it isn’t uncommon to experience some culture shock. Even after researching a society for years, you’ll come across something that will stop you straight in your...
The Greek bathhouse found in Berenice, Egypt may have been a center for rest and relaxation for the Egyptian military.  Pictured: 1858 painting by Fyodor Bronnikov                      Source: Public Domain

Ancient Greek-Style Bathhouse for Egyptian Military Found near Red Sea

Ancient Egyptians are renowned for their sense of cleanliness and hygiene, and bathhouses for therapeutic purposes have been found dating as far back as 2000 BC. In a brand-new discovery,...
Hygiene has evolved over the years, but we’ve been taking showers for centuries. Women bathing in a public gymnasium; Gouache painting based on an ancient Greek vase. Source: Wellcome Collection / Public Domain

Hygiene Through History: How Filthy Were Our Ancient Ancestors?

People in the past have a reputation for being dirty and unhygienic, but is this true? While many aspects of personal hygiene have evolved over the centuries, others have remained surprisingly...
Portrait of Michelangelo by Jacopino del Conte. Source: Public domain

Despite His Divine Artworks, Michelangelo Had A Dirty Secret

While most people have heard of Michelangelo , the majority have no idea that he had some pretty filthy habits. Nicknamed Il Divino (“the divine one”) by his contemporaries, Michelangelo was a master...
