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Images of the latest tiny alien claim circulating in Colombia.              Source: Social Media/Nazca Mummies

Colombia Joins Mexico Publishing “Tiny-Alien” Nonsense

Only two months after scientists in Peru revealed the public had been hoaxed into believing two “dolls” were in fact alien corpses, headlines are now touting more alien-nonsense. This time, a fetus...
NFT Image from 1947 Alien Autopsy Film For Sale for $1 Million

NFT Image from 1947 Alien Autopsy Film For Sale for $1 Million

A most extraordinary online auction is currently in progress , at the digital art auction house Rarible. Up for sale is an NFT (non-fungible token) image taken from an alleged 68-year-old alien...
The Giant of Antrim, Ireland: Biblical Titan or Colossal Hoax?

The Giant of Antrim, Ireland: Biblical Titan or Colossal Hoax?

The image and descriptive article of the purported Irish petrified giant of Antrim, have made the rounds on the internet as proof of the existence of ancient giants for several years. Renown authors...
Stone circle in Leochel-Cushnie revealed to be a modern replica.

A Scottish Stone Circle Believed To Be 6000 Years Old Was Actually Built In The 1990s

At the end of last year archaeologists in Scotland celebrated the rare discovery of a complete stone circle. Now, however, a farmer has come forward declaring that he built it himself in the 1990s...