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A 3D-relief model of the Quesang fossil handprints and footprints, which appears to be the oldest prehistoric art ever discovered and the prints was made by two children, likely Denisovans. 	Source: ScienceDirect

Tibetan Hand and Footprints May Be Oldest Prehistoric Art

Scientists have discovered an exciting new example of prehistoric art high on the Tibetan Plateau: a set of ancient children's hand and footprints. If the dating of between 169,000 and 226,000 years...
Child’s Handprints in Mexican Cave Reveal Ancient Maya Ritual

Child’s Handprints in Mexican Cave Reveal Ancient Maya Ritual

More than one hundred handprints made by children 1,200 years ago on the walls of a cave in Mexico may have been part of a mysterious coming-of-age ritual of the ancient Maya. Reuters reports that...
Ancient rock art discovered in Egypt

Art Before the Pharaohs: 10,000 BC Paintings Found in Egypt

In Egypt, a number of mysterious inscriptions and examples of rock art have been found in the Sinai. It is estimated that some of the images could be 12,000 years old. The find is providing insights...
 Imprints found in the cave allowed analysis of ancient human behavior

14,000-year-old Footprints in Italian Cave Reveal Ancient Human Behavior

Evidence of crawling in an Italian cave system sheds new light on late Stone Age human behavior in groups, especially when exploring new grounds, says a study published today in eLife. The Discovery...
Devil’s Footprints: Who Descended the Side of an Erupting Volcano, Leaving an Ancient Trail Behind?

Devil’s Footprints: Who Descended the Side of an Erupting Volcano, Leaving an Ancient Trail Behind?

Descending the side of the Roccamonfina Volcano in northern Italy, sets of humanoid footprints had long been considered the imprint of the Devil, for the footprints were most certainly made when the...
A petroglyph of a six-fingered hand. Red Tank Draw, AZ

The Mysterious Extra Fingers and Toes of the Pueblo People of Chaco Canyon

Ancient people of the Pueblo culture of Chaco Canyon, in what is now New Mexico, decorated their houses with six-digit handprints and footprints. Although it is not really known why these images were...