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The teenage girl’s skeleton that was uncovered near Meidum pyramid.

Teenage Girl’s Skeleton Discovered Beside Meidum, a Bizarrely Shaped Ancient Egyptian Pyramid

Archaeologists working with the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities have announced the discovery of a teenage girl’s skeleton in an ancient cemetery beside the Meidum pyramid, a 4,600-year-old partially...
The face of the teenager reconstructed from the 9000-year-old skull found in Greece.

Forensic Scientists in Greece Have Recreated the Face of a 9,000-Year-Old Female Teenager

Forensic scientists have reconstructed the face of a 9,000-year-old female teenager based on a skull archaeologists found in a Greek cave. Experts claim that the reconstructed face reveals how much...
Detail of the girl’s mummy portrait.

First-of-its-Kind Mummy Study Reveals Clues to Girl’s Story

Who is she, this little mummy girl? Northwestern University scientists and students are working to unravel some of her mysteries, including how her body was prepared 1,900 years ago in Egypt, what...
The CT scans were merged with 3D scans of the child mummy's surface to create a single 3D model.

New Tech Brings 2,000-Year-Old Mummy of Little Egyptian Girl to Life in Stunning Detail

CT and colorful 3D scans combine to create a stunningly detailed depiction of a mummy of a girl. She was only about five years old when she passed away 2,000 years ago. Her body was wrapped in fine...
The tombstone is engraved with a cross.

Intriguing Coptic Tombstone Belonging to a Little Girl Discovered in Luxor

A team of archaeologists in Egypt has recently uncovered an ancient Coptic tombstone during the excavation works taking place in the Avenue of Sphinxes. Now archaeologists suggest that the tomb...

Peruvian Mummy Taken to Children’s Hospital for Revealing X-rays

A 2,000-year-old mummy kept at Corpus Christi Museum of Natural History in Texas, has been transferred to Driscoll Children's Hospital for X-rays. The museum is currently working with the hospital to...
‘La Doncella’ (the Maiden), one of the mummified ‘Children of Llullaillaco’ in Salta province, Argentina.

Analysis Shows Children were Given Drugs and Alcohol before Ritual Sacrifice 500 Years Ago

The remarkably preserved mummified remains of three children were found on the summit of Volcan Llullaillaco in Argentina over a decade ago. The ‘Maiden’ was 13 years old when she met her demise and...
The Lemon Grove Mummies: Ancient Corpses from Mexican Cave Found in California Garage

The Lemon Grove Mummies: Ancient Corpses from Mexican Cave Found in California Garage

On an ordinary day in 1980, a Californian mom decided to spend the afternoon cleaning out her garage – a long neglected chore. She found a lot of trash and plenty of knick-knacks; some forgotten...