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King Tut

Um...this is why we can't have nice things...poor King Tut!!!!

You're right and they

You're right and they sloppily glued it back on!!  Outrageous!  

I know!!! And as a crafty

I know!!! And as a crafty person, that bugs me because I go to great lengths to make projects as perfect as possible...who was doing the gluing? Lucy and Ethel? Kramer from Seinfeld? I mean the whole story seems like a sitcom plot line...they actually talked about it on our local morning radio station yesterday...which surprised me!!! 

love, light and blessings



perhaps they employed that Nun who took it upon herself to re-paint over the canvas of Jesus in that old church a few years back!!! lol


"what is whispered in dark places will be proclaimed from the roof tops"

Oh dear, I remember the

Oh dear, I remember the painting incident! 

love, light and blessings


Not that big of a deal, My opinion

Not that big of a deal, just my opinion. Since the burial mask is NOT Tuts face, and was not made for him. The mask was origonally made for a female, (holes in ears) and so the attackment of the beard would have been second hand anyways, and not a percise fit (like most of the mask). Still an interesting story. Makes me wonder on how we will keep preserving ancient artifacts in light of new age technology. Will we be more focused on preserving the process or the product?  

There is always another secret

Hopefully a little bit of all

Hopefully a little bit of all of it!

love, light and blessings