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Cubits united all of the ancient world. Cubits empowered these civilizations from the teachings of Thoth, the G in Masonic illustrations, Pythagorean, the Bible etc... Cubits by design built both of Solomon s temples and the seven wonders.

Cubit rods of Maya and Kha

These rods are not ceremonial by any means, they are the architects hierarchic thought process of computing his rod. Since individuals apply math differently, each architects rod would utilize different routes to the sum. The architects' rod is his identity. Your natural process might read and rearrange the hierarchy’s path to accommodate preference and performance of working geometries. In comparison of Kha's rod with Maya's Rod, you can see the similarity in sections and yet different Methodisms custom tuned for Kha in applied architecture. You can find his rod on-line. Kha was a royal architect and was active during at least 3 reigns of Pharaohs and Maya (High Priest of Amun) in applied land surveying was a tax collector. In modern mathematics the same equivalence can be applied to a bricklayers tape and a surveying tape. Spiritual rods(such as the rods of initiation) utilized a different hierarchical and developmental means, these rods shared thru the identical increments. Keeping in mind during Solomons time, there were 3 different cubits applied: A land cubit for plotting, a building cubit for construction and a gold cubit for decorative work such as silver vessels. All relating to each other, composed for different purposes. -Frank A.Tytar

Cubits, The Math of the Kings.

Cubits in further

Before to furthering this article, I would like to reply from the question “Why was cubits of various lengths employed in many parts of the world in antiquity?”

Since the length is broken down from a unit, a cubit could be assigned any standard length measure. The driving math behind the cubit and its segment(s) is essential for understanding the design intent of the length and portion it produces. The standard unit only sets the scale. For example, √2 will always be the hypotenuse means of a square and √3 will always be the diagonal means of a cube. Man only sets the unit to define this reality.

In a mental representation of:
72.158298” HT
1.4142” (√2) □ or Ø

72 increments of 25.4558mm (√648) length or 1.0021” Thus, why Egyptian measures mirror the metric and inch system.

72 increments corresponding with the equinox or:
-The 72 disciples of Confucius.
-The 72 companions of apotheosis of Houang-ti.
-After his temptation in the dessert, Jesus is served by 12 superiors angels and 72 angels.
-72 is the number of the Immortals Taoism.
-The Chinese astrology has 36 beneficial stars and 72 malevolent stars.
-The "sentûr" Persian has 72 cords.
-72 divine names in one of the Jewish systems said to be used as codes in creation.
-The 70 ancients accompanying Moses that received an outpouring of the spirit, plus the 2 absent.
-The number of devils according to The Lesser Key of Solomon.
-In Cao Dai, the number of planets between hell and heaven.
-Cosmic, Systemic, Planetary and Hierarchical in 72 increments.

-Thoth, of Egyptian Mythology, wins a 72nd of each day of the year from the Moon in a game of Draughts.

36 increments form above and 36 increments from below driven by Cubits equaling 4 Cubit instantiates of 18 subdivisions.

Each of the 72 (√648) increments in 20 subdivisions would equal 1440 subdivisions in 72 increments. 1/20th of a subdivision = √φ length. (1.2727 in the same manner as accepted 3.142857).

Therefore, each of the 72 (√648) increments in 36 subdivisions would equal 2592 subdivisions in 72 increments. 1/36th of a subdivision = √2 length. An angle means to a coincident diameter into the evolving geometries of.

3 increments (of √φ ) per hour = 60 subdivisions x 24 hours = 1440 minutes in a day; 12 above increments and 12 below=day and night; Solomon's cubit rod ratio 8_3_24,     24 x 3 = 72 etc...

Celestial (1 increment) = 1 day
10 increments = 1 decan
3 decan = 1 month = 1 constellation of Sah of 30º Celestial longitude
36 decan = 1 year.

The Mayan cycle of time is based on 13 baktun periods of 144000 days each.

1 Cubit equals 18 incremental letters of Chai.
Shem ha-Mephoresh or triads of letter.

Lesser Key of Solomon:
The demons are described as being commanded by four kings of the cardinal directions: Amaymon (East), Corson (West), Ziminiar (North), and Gaap (South).
The Ars Paulina is in turn divided into two books, the first detailing twenty-four angels aligned with the twenty-four hours of the day, the second (derived more from the Heptameron) detailing the 360 spirits of the degrees of the zodiac.

Further, The Lesser Key of Solomon applied names to the rods increments.

If you read this as math, it is rod functionality.

72 Demons
Four Kings = Cubits
Two books = A rod above and a rod below
Twenty-four angels aligned with the twenty-four hours of the day, the second =1440 min. / 24hr = 60 sec.
360 spirits of the degrees of the zodiac = 36 increments times ten-degree divisions of a sign of the zodiac = decans

These numbers originate in a geometric rod of measure from which sums are triangulated. There is a modern version of this rod in its functionality. Out of respect to our ancient brethren, I wrote this article to clarify cubit rods of measure in Scripture. In endless readings cubits are well preserved in ancient Scripture from every religion.

Overlooked, cubit rods are calibrated to 2 pieces of wireframe geometry such as an angle and segment thereby squaring actions. Pythagoras knew this studying with the Egyptians. Respectfully, all cubit rods (scalene) solve the missing leg as well as the mass properties thereof. -Frank A. Tytar



It sounds good, but....

I really doubt these numbers serve any purpose whatsoever. I think such similarities if intentional are a direct manifestation of cosmic dominion in it’s entirety to be able to establish dominion over the number 12 or 7 or 72. It’s not like any divine being needed it to equal 72 for efficiency’s sake. It’s more likely that what we perceive as always being 72 is actually an entirely different value, we’re just unaware of factors causing it to be a different number. But even if it’s not the case, it’s further evidence of total dominion of the divine. 


Conceptually speaking, it’s the same reason why Jesus’s birthday was the same as Osiris’s, it’s the same reason Easter was during a fertility festival named for Ishtar, it would be an act of blatant dominion by God 


Yes, the Romans pushed those dates around to satisfy the masses.

I'll expand from a mathematical perspective.

     The hierarchy of a cubit rod utilizes root lengths calibrated with cubits, the inch is the fractions/decimals thereof. For an example, we could use √2 as increments. A rod deployment of √2 at 36 increments would = 25.455844122715710878430397035775 length, keep in mind modern calculators round up. 36 increments = 1 unit inch or incrementally viewed as 36 increments = 1 meter. See Pythagorean math and Euclid only is spoken in 2 dimensions. Cubit rods 3 dimensionally calculate mass properties in this same manner utilizing root measures and the third leg for dimensional navigation. Still using √2, visualize it as the hypotenuse of a square to its coincident or tangent circle to a triangle into a cube, sphere, pyramid such as the philosopher's stone. All mass property and vertexes are well known ingredients bound in a unit with its numbers in geometric lockstep. This mannerism is at the core of ancient mysticism.

     As an example for discussion, 25.4558mm to 1" as 36 digits by 2 cubits. Thus, the cubit mirrors the inch and metric system. > 12 or 7 or 72 are geometric cubit ratios. As geometry graduates, its values are the sacred ratios seen in Scripture 3, 9, 144, 216, 432 etc. Conceptually speaking, a square segment with the dimension 25.4558, hypotenuse equals 36. All in the scope of said.

     Here, I'll use a less mystical approach. Fengshui is a pinwheel formed rod applied to the whole number 36 digits x 10 = 360° radially. In an outgrowth of Doublin' Even, in short, the union of one unit measure in two separate disciplines. The orbits are in ratios of the rods set unit. Still uncertain, what is 8 (Fengshui at it's nucleus) times 9 orbits? Different regions and dialogue as you earlier mentioned but most certainly the corner stone of ancient stone masons math. Long before man, √2 has always been the hypotenuse of a square and √3 has always been the diagonal of a cube. Mankind only sets the unit to define his reality. Following mankind's set unit will always result direct.

     You have to look at Scripture as mathematical ratios such as the Hebrews view the Torah code. This leads me into a further definition of cubit root ratios in conjunction with geometry. A circle with the diameter of √432, with a coincident square using the circle as an outer scribe has a segment that equals √216. A hexagon, in the same fashion, the segment equals √108. In addition, a triangle in the same fashion, the segment equals 18. 216 is Gods number alongside 18 the gift.  Also, Malas, or garlands of prayer made from 108 beads.

     In closing, these numbers did serve purpose. Geometric calibrated cubit rod ratios from around the globe from one source, the craft of Masonry. This the proper discipline script was encrypt. Cubits that gave rise to civilizations is one of the most under defined pages of our history.


Why it sounds better

Forgot to mention that the diagonal of a √432 cube is 36. In the aforementioned geometric multiples the Gods and Demons, Pythagoras 3:2 scale, musica universalis, the precession of the equinoxes as well as instruments associated with Orpheus were tuned at 432 Hz etc. etc. etc. These are the ancient solving properties of cubits.


A rod deployment of √3 @ 36 increments, √432 length @ 1 unit inch @ 2 cubits in a modernized view of.