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Left; Ecuadorian tsantsa or shrunken head on display at the Chatham-Kent Museum in Chatham, Right; Micro-CT scan of the same. Source: Left; PLoS ONE, Right; Andrew Nelson/Western University

Canadian Researchers Prove Old Shrunken Head Found in Museum is Human

A team of Canadian researchers have accomplished a feat that up to now had proven impossible. As they explain in an article just published in the journal PLOS One , they used clinical computed...
Rome’s National Museum of Oriental Art displayed the reconstructed face of a female skeleton which was found in Iran’s Burnt City wearing a fake eye. The museum closed in 2017 and its collections were transferred to the Pigorini National Museum of Prehistory and Ethnography in Rome.

World’s Oldest Fake Eye from 2800 BC Found in Iran’s ‘Burnt City’

Believe it or not, fake eyes have existed for thousands of years. Besides improving the physical appearance of the patient needing the artificial eye, fake eyes also prevent tissues in the eye socket...