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Ancient Egypt: The Primal Age of Divine Revelation Volume I Genesis (Revised Edition)

It is a pleasure to share the Revised Edition of the original work. When it comes to the ancient Egyptian religion, this research represents the beginning of an ethical and genuine discipline. As an independent researcher, neither I do have the means of promoting my work nor the support of academic institutions. I kindly urge the reader to help on his part in promotion, thank you.

Free download at:


I just looked through it and

I just looked through it and there's no way I'll be able to read it in one sitting! I'll download it and read it bit by bit though! Thank you for sharing! Looks like you put a lot of hard work and effort into it and I do look forward to seeing what you have to say about the subject!!!

love, light and blessings


Thank you for noticing

I know the book is heavey and academic and takes time to perceive. Most of the chapters, evidentially, discuss True Knowledge that has never been investigated by Egyptologists and professionals of humanities. I appreciate your forthcoming feed back.


I repeat the message send to Academia

This message I am addressing to you because you said that you continue with your research and I wanted to bring to your attention some points you seem to have overlooked.

1) First and foremost, you trust the translations of others.
2) You do not seem to have noticed any difference between the conceptions of the Egyptian priesthood (not of the ancient Egyptians in general) during OK and Late Periods. You write in page 153 “We know that the Pyramid Texts have been basically addressing the soul”. The fact, however, is that out of the approximately 60 attestations of the term bA in the Pyramid Texts, only in one occasion the bA is regarded as something that is inside the man. In all the other occurrences the bA is a person. 
3) You seem not to be aware of the fact that in the mortuary literature it is a “Life after Judgment” that is described and not a “Life after death”. The texts had been edited by the priesthood, who transformed the judgment of the living into a judgment of the dead.

I respect the ancient Egyptians and I cannot stand the accusation thrown at them by the Egyptologists, that they believed they will have a normal life, sex included, in the hereafter.
I would expect modern Egyptians to translate the texts themselves and not follow the unacceptable translations of the western scholars.
There is a very serious possibility that the judgment of the living was still practiced up to the Middle Kingdom period. If that is so, then all the famous concepts of the ancient priesthood would be shown for what they were: mistreatment of the oral traditions of the ancient Egyptian people. The people who had nothing to do with whatever fantasies the priesthood produced

Best regards
Dimitrios Trimijopulos
Retired Master Mariner

Replying to Dimitrios' comment

Dear Dimitrios

I really appreciate reading and commenting on the research. I will respond to your comments:

1.      I trusted the translations of the Egyptologists but I did not trust their interpretations.

2.      I agree. I discussed the ancient Egyptians in general for a single reason. The essence of the soul, goodness and evilness, and judgment has been present during the different periods.

3.      Please review P. 92: The Egyptian Chronicle of "Soul to Heaven, Body to earth" where texts, explicitly, are speaking of the inner soul. The ancient Egyptians, unlike us the modern, did not need to ascertain each time it is the inner soul they intended. I said "life after death" where judgment is essential. Priesthood never meant" judgment of the dead", they always meant "judgment of the soul of the dead". Judgment of the corpse and its destiny are the wrong interpretation of Egyptologists.  Judgment of the living in the middle kingdom did not mean living persons; they meant the "living soul" that is thoroughly discussed. Egyptian Priesthood had been always faithful; it depends on how we understand the writings.

4.      Unfortunately; modern Egyptian Egyptologist are the students of the western school. The current translations is not the problem, it is the interpretation.

You have raised the cons, would you please raise the pros.

I did not receive your message at

Sincerely yours,

Mostafa Elshamy