I think that Fairy rings are circular patterns in grass formed by an altered rate of growth around the circumferance of each feature, that creates the shape of a letter "o" in the meadows and fields all around the globe. Sometimes the grass along the circumferance is longer than the grass inside the circle and sometimes it is shorter but in both cases a circular shape is left in the field. Closer observation can reveal the presence of mushrooms (fungus) dotted all around the circles edge with no outcrops occurring either inside or outside of the shape. I've read that Fairy rings are in fact created by this fungus as it naturally propogates in a circular fashion but have discounted this explanation as the different length of grass (which cannot be connected) - occupies the same space and therefore have concluded that it is the (circular) space itself that has created the letter "o" in the meadow.
I believe that the circular space is in fact the top of a cone of force and that this force is a gravity whirlpool or vortex that's like an upturned traffic cone projecting down into the earth and onto the source of "The Twister".
Gravity is not really a force at all. It is a measure of the density of space surrounding any given mass. It only feels like a force because the linear point in space of any object has been relocated to another point in keeping with the space stretching abilities of that Mass. It is Mass itself that creates space as the abscence of such bodies leaves an empty immeasurable void that is both infinately small and infinitely large. Note that infinity is indivisible .
The centre of our Earths mass is obviously at the core of the planet. Gravity weakens the further out one moves from the centre of mass of a planet. So if we draw a circle as a diagram of the earth - and then draw evenly spaced concentric circles from the core to the surface, we have a series of zones along each circle where the gravity strength is equal.
But the mass of the Earth is not uniformly dense. It 's centre is molten and mobile and so the gravity generated by the varying mass and densities within, leaves eddies , rivers and whirlpools in the gravitational field at the Earths surface.
Time = distance /speed. But distance becomes a variable dependent upon the density of space through which it is measured. If distance is variable (I.E StRETCHED OR COMPRESSED)- then it follows that time is also malleable.
Around the circumferance of fairy rings the density of space is different to the surrounding grasses. This is due to that space being occupied by a gravity vortex. Accordingly the passage of time is flowing at a different rate that can be seen either as an accelarated or slower growth rate for grass around the perimiter.
Put simply it is my belief that fairy rings are naturally occuring space/time anomalies. And I believe ancient cultures built stones circles upon fairy rings to use the greater density of the large (Quarzite) stones to amplify the time dilation effects.
I also think that rings with resonant time shifts - would discharge and connect with neighbouring rings leading to the Leyline grid system that can be seen to criss-cross the nation(s).
https://hort.extension.wisc.edu/articles/fairy-rings/ just mold and midew no inter-dimmensional vortices sorry
Fairy rings are circular patterns of grass that grow around trees. They can form from several mechanisms including fungal root decay, water movement, and even the movement of animals.
Very unteresting data Daniel
Stonehenge was built about 5,000 years ago in England. It's located at Salisbury Plain, near Amesbury. There were three rings of stones surrounding a central area. The outer ring had 12 upright stones, each between 6-9 feet tall. These stones were arranged in two rows, and the inner circle had only five standing stones. The center stone was much larger than the others, measuring 30 feet high. It's estimated that the total weight of these stones was around 50 tons.
I just discovered this now, Daniel