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First Americans, photo of mural in the Page Museum, Los Angeles, by Travis S (CC BY-NC 2.0)

The Chumash: The Seashell First People Of North America

The question of how people first came to North America is as complicated as when they arrived. With new evidence comes new theories and the dates are being revised constantly. While the colonization...
Chumash Cash: The Saucers That Formed America’s First Economy

Chumash Cash: The Saucers That Formed America’s First Economy

A Californian researcher who studied tens of thousands of shells decorated by indigenous Chumash hunter-gatherers, has pushed back the origins of “cash” in the U.S. by over one thousand years. Dr...
Magic Flowers of U.S. Dream Trippers Found at California’s Pinwheel Cave

Magic Flowers of U.S. Dream Trippers Found at California’s Pinwheel Cave

When you think of psychedelics and the United States, famous psychonauts like Timothy Leary, Gerry Garcia and Jim Morrison come to mind. In the 1991 movie, The Doors , Jim Morrison got seriously...
Chumash cave paintings at Painted Cave in the mountains above Santa Barbara

The Colors of the Wind: Hidden Messages of the Chumash Cave Paintings

Take a moment, and close your eyes. Breathe deeply, and inhale the salt of the air and feel the light brush of low-hanging tree branches caressing your face. Feel the rocky ground beneath your toes,...
Chumash Maritime Society – Channel Islands National Park.

10,000-Year-Old Ancient American Castaway Revealed…and Finally Laid to Rest

10,000 years ago, an old man was buried beneath rocks on a coastal Pacific island and only now have his ancient origins finally been settled. In 2005 researchers from the University of Oregon...