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Celtic mythology

Old steel Houses, Botallack Mines, Cornwall, UK. Source: Ernest Davies/Adobe Stock

Who are the Mysterious Cornwall Knockers?

Cornwall's tin mines, with their labyrinthine tunnels and subterranean chambers, have long been the backdrop to stories of supernatural beings known as the Knockers. These elusive spirits, central to...
Cú Chulainn, also called Cuchulain, Cuchulinn, or Cuchullin is the central character of the Ulster (Ulaid) cycle in the in medieval Irish mythology and literature. Source: Public Domain

Five Popular Irish Mythology Stories (Video)

Irish mythology , steeped in the ancient lore of the Celts, presents a tapestry of captivating stories that have endured through generations. One such legend is "Fionn MacCumhaill and the Salmon of...
Scene on the Gundestrup Cauldron. Source: British Museum

Does the Iconic Plate on the Gundestrup Cauldron Depict an Ancient Poem?

Amid the vivid imagery adorning the plates of the Gundestrup Cauldron lies an enigma that has captivated successive generations of scholars. The question lingers: What lies behind these scenes, so...
Was King Arthur's Guinevere a Real Historical Queen?

Was King Arthur's Guinevere a Real Historical Queen?

There is perhaps no more famous character in British legend than that of King Arthur. For centuries, people have been reading tales of King Arthur and his knight’s exploits. Of all the characters...
Snap-Apple Night (1833) by Daniel Maclise, shows people playing divination games on 31 October (Samhain) in Ireland, reminiscent of The Morrígan, goddess of fate (Public Domain)

The Ancient Celtic Lords And Ladies Of Death

Traditionally, history classes have been focused on installing widespread knowledge of the ancient Greek gods of the Underworld, led by Hades , but less is taught about Nyx, the goddess of night, and...
Saint Columba converting King Brude of the Picts to Christianity by William Hole (1899) (Public Domain)

The End is Nigh, Scotland’s Magic Isle of Salvation

A curious Old Gaelic prophecy is listed in the Ulster Journal of Archaeology , January 1853, which originated in the west coast of Scotland or Ireland and its meaning has eluded explanation for over...