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The curious structure has been found in Giza’s prestigious Western Cemetery, in the shadow of the Great Pyramids. Source: Motoyuki Sato et al / Archaeological Prospection.

Curious L-Shaped Structure Found near Giza Pyramids is 4,500-Years-Old

An international team of archaeologists has stumbled upon a mysterious L-shaped structure buried within a cemetery adjacent to the Great Pyramid of Khufu in Giza. The structure is 4,500 years and...
Rock crystal jar from the Galloway Hoard

Galloway Hoard Restoration Reveals More Surprising Secrets

Researchers have revealed that what is perhaps Europe’s most famous Viking Age hoard – the Galloway Hoard – was not a rapidly concealed family treasure being hidden from invaders. Rather, it was a...
Images of six of the medieval treasures found in Wales by metal detectorists in recent years.

Stunning Medieval Treasures Discovered in Wales By Metal Detectorists

Eight medieval and late medieval treasures have been discovered in Wales, UK, all found by metal detectorists. These treasures offer anthropologists insights into the life of wealthy members of Welsh...
Bronze Age Money: Early Metal Artifacts May Be Europe’s First Currency

Bronze Age Money: Early Metal Artifacts May Be Europe’s First Currency

Did the occupants of Central Europe in 2,000 BC have a functioning monetary economy? Said another way: did these people have Bronze Age money? Yes they did, say a pair of archaeologists from the...
A side-rendering of the giant mound that once covered the buried Viking ship. Today, the ship's remains lie under less than 20 inches of topsoil. (NIKU/LBI ArchPro)

1,000-Year-Old Buried Viking Ship Will be Raised!

Norwegian archaeologists have announced a plan to raise a buried Viking ship from the earth. The vessel is from a ship burial that is over 1000 years old. It is the first time in over a hundred years...
Rare Iron Age chariot with horses.

Headless Horses Galloping from the Grave Unearthed in UK Chariot Burial

British archaeologists have made an amazing discovery according to local media reports. Experts have unearthed a particularly interesting Iron Age chariot burial in northern Britain. This particular...
The body of Maria Adelaide.

The Minor Miracles of Maria Adelaide, Folk-Saint of Brides

Maria Adelaide was a Portuguese woman who lived and died during the 19th century. Although not officially recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church, she is popularly considered to be one by the...
The child skeleton recently discovered at Pompeii.

Skeleton Found in Pompeii Belonged to Child Seeking Shelter from Deadly Volcanic Eruption

Among the ruins of the ancient city of Pompeii, archaeological excavations have revealed the skeleton of a child who died in a volcanic eruption. Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD and destroyed the...

X-ray Tech Reveals Remarkable Roman Artistry Hidden Under Ash of Vesuvius

Molten lava, volcanic ash, modern grime, salt, humidity. The ancient painting of a Roman woman has been through it all, and it looks like it. Scientists now report that a new type of high-resolution...
Stone reliefs found at Göbekli Tepe

A Monumental Cover Up? Why did Gobekli Tepe End Up in the Dirt?

In the farmlands of southeastern Turkey there is a hill that rises out of the landscape. Unlike the surrounding plateaus, it has a gentle slope like a mound. At its top is a depression which looks...
Alken Enge and the Buried Army

Alken Enge and the Buried Army

In a dark and murky bog in the damp meadows of Alken, Denmark, archaeologists made a startling discovery – the bodies of what appeared to be an entire army of soldiers dating back some 2,000 years...