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AI image of a praying Monk.

The Spread of Buddhism from India to East Asia - A Tale of How Peace Won

Buddhism, a spiritual and philosophical tradition founded by Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha , in the 5th century BC, originated in the Indian subcontinent. Over the centuries, however, it transcended...
Dazu Rock Carvings in Chongqing, China . Source: rabbit75_fot/Adobe Stock

Guardians of History: How the Dazu Rock Carvings Captivate the World

The Dazu Rock Carvings are a series of Chinese religious sculptures and carvings located in the Dazu District of Chongqing, China. These carvings date back to the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907 AD) and the...
The Kiyomizu-dera Temple in autumn.	Source:  idmanjoe/Adobe Stock

5 Most Famous and Beautiful Japanese Temples (Video)

Explore the rich cultural tapestry of Japan through its iconic temples , each showcasing the country's enduring artistic legacy. One such marvel is the Horyu-ji Temple , standing since 607 AD as the...
Paying tribute in ancient Egypt. Source: Esignd ® / Adobe Stock.

How Ancient Cultures Paid Tributes to their Gods (Video)

Ancient civilizations, in their devotion to the divine, created enduring tributes that stand as evidence of their unwavering faith. Among these, the intricate carvings adorning the walls of Angkor...
Bamiyan caves in Afghanistan. Source: trentinness / Adobe Stock.

Bamiyan's Ancient Cave Dwellings Shelter Homeless Afghans (Video)

The caves of Bamiyan, originally carved by Buddhist monks nearly 2,000 years ago, now offer refuge to a significant number of homeless Afghans. These historic caves , nestled within the cliffs of...
The Colossal Statue of Avukana Buddha in Kekirawa, Sri Lanka. Source: homocosmicos/Adobe Stock

Avukana Buddha - Sri Lanka’s Most Important Buddhist Pilgrimage Site

Relics of Buddhism are always magnificent to behold. They dot the East Asian world, and are the testament to the devotion and ancient history of its peoples. One such relic is the magnificent statue...
Detail of the 1,900-year-old statue of the Buddha found at Berenike, an ancient port city in Egypt by the Red Sea. Source: Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities

Statue Reveals Buddhists Likely Mingled with Roman’s In Egypt

Ancient history is replete with examples of cross-cultural ties that have transcended all kinds of boundaries, even before telecommunications and travel existed the way we know today. A reminder of...
Japanese illustration of smallpox, dating back to 1720, from a work entitled Toshin seiyo, or The essentials of Smallpox. Source: Wellcome Collection / Public Domain

The Japanese Smallpox Epidemic of the 8th Century: Cause and Effect

Human history has undergone countless epidemics, some which have been nipped in the bud due to sparse populations, some due to prudent medical interventions. Some, like the recent COVID-19 pandemic...
The Baby Buddha statue found in Shark Bay Australia.	Source: Finn Films

Ming Dynasty Baby Buddha Statue Questions Australian History

Two filmmakers detected a rare Ming Dynasty Buddha in Australia, which could “rewrite history.” Some thought it an elaborate hoax, but experts have now verified the honesty of the finders. Back in...
17th-century icon of the Translation of the Relics of Saint. Nicholas of Myra. Historic Museum in Sanok, Poland. (Public Domain)

Furta Sacra: Medieval Trafficking In Saintly Relics

It is hard to imagine that the gruesome topic of bodysnatching and the ghastly, gory and gorgeous world of relics would be a main focus of religious veneration throughout the Middle Ages. Through...
The Kesaria stupa in India. Source: charnsitr / Adobe Stock

Kesaria Stupa: Ancient Site Commemorating the Alms Bowl of the Buddha

Just 68 miles (110 km) from Patna, in India’s eastern Bihar province, the Kesaria stupa lies in the landscape partially hidden amongst vegetation. The original Kesaria stupa is believed to date back...
Leshan Giant Buddha is the world's largest stone-carved Buddha

The Leshan Giant Buddha: Largest Stone Buddha in the World

Not far from the city of Chengdu in Sichuan Province, China, sits the Leshan Giant Buddha statue. Carved into the side of Mt. Lingyun, the colossal statue is over 1,300-years-old and is considered to...
Ruins of the Tribal Nanzhao Culture Recently Uncovered

Ruins of the Tribal Nanzhao Culture Speak of Buddha

Archaeologists have discovered an ancient temple complex dating back to a society once subjugated by the Tang Dynasty - the state of Nanzhao. Researchers found the words "Buddha sarira enshrined by...
Ancient Hilltop Monastery Led by Female Monk Found in India

Ancient Hilltop Monastery Led by Female Monk Found in India

Archaeologists have discovered a unique hilltop monastery in eastern India. The 11th or 12th century religious center is special because of its location and because it was headed by a Buddhist nun,...
Surprise Discovery of a Headless Buddha Statue Beneath Chinese Apartments

Surprise Discovery of a Headless 'Buddha' Statue Beneath Chinese Apartments

A huge, headless religious statue has been discovered carved into the rock face under apartment buildings in China. It is of questionable age - some claim it’s from the Republican era and others...
The tranquil waters of the Burning Lake in Bhutan, a place of miracles that still attracts thousands today!       Source:  Brian Weed / Adobe Stock

Bhutan’s Burning Lake, Place of Legend and Pilgrimage

Bhutan’s sacred Burning Lake (known also as Membartsho or Mebar Tsho), in the Tang Valley, gets its name from a legend involving Pema Lingpa (or Padma Lingpa), a renowned Bhutanese saint. Today, the...
Mahabodhi Temple, Bodh Gaya, India. The site where Buddha attained enlightenment.  Source: tinnaporn / Adobe Stock

Why Bodh Gaya is Considered the Navel of the Earth

India is the birthplace of Buddhism and as one of the oldest faiths followed, there are many wonderous Buddhist sites. There is also a growing recognition of the country’s Buddhist heritage. One of...
Screengrab from video showing vandals in Pakistan destroying Buddhist statue

Vandals Destroy Priceless Buddha Statue for Being Un-Islamic

In Pakistan , a group of construction workers destroyed a priceless Pakistani Buddha , smashing the figure to pieces. The almost 2000-year-old figure was vandalized because it offended local...
The Fall of the Giants by Jacob Jordaens (1636 – 1638) Museo del Prado (Public Domain)

Measuring Up Real World Archaeological Giants

Strabo, Philostratus and Pliny all wrote about mythological giants: Antaeus, Ilio son of Hercules , Orestes, Cyclops and many others, and one of the most common components of creation myths found in...
Bodhisattvas of Mahayana Buddhism. Source: yuliana_s / Adobe Stock.

Bodhisattvas – Selfless Saviors of Mahayana Buddhism

In Buddhism, a bodhisattva, in its most general sense, refers to a person who is on his/her way to becoming a buddha. More specifically, bodhisattvas are savior-like beings who forsake their own...
Ajina-Tepa remain in Tajikistan                     Source: Aleksandar/ Adobe Stock

Ajina-Tepa, Tajikistan – Abandoned Buddhist Cloister on the Famous Silk Road

Although Central Asia is no longer inundated by tourists, in the past it was a dynamic and diverse area, largely thanks to the Silk Road . One of the many remarkable sites in this region is the...
The ruins of the temple sanctuary at Vat Phou, Laos

The Stunning Vat Phou Temple Tells Secrets of Laos' Past

Laos is a country that we know little about, it is only in recent years that the nation has opened to the outside world. But the country has many important archaeological sites, amongst the most...
My Name Is Heracles, And I Have Father Issues

My Name Is Heracles, And I Have Father Issues

The story of Heracles is considered one of the oldest of the Greek myths . Heracles’ popularity stretched from the western world to the far reaches of northern India. His likeness has appeared as...
The head of a Buddha statue. Credit: Richard / Adobe Stock. Inset: Fragments of a birch bark manuscript from ancient Gandhara. Credit: British Library (public domain)

Scholars Get Closer to Words of Buddha as They Unravel Oldest Buddhist Scrolls in the World

The oldest Buddhist scrolls ever discovered were made on birch bark and spent two millennia folded in clay pots, in a cave, situated along the northern border of Afghanistan and Pakistan, and now...
