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Left; The reconstructed skeleton of Lucy, found in Hadar, Ethiopia, in 1974, and Grace Latimer, then age 4, daughter of a research team member. Right; Reconstruction of a male (left) and female (right) A. afarensis at the Natural History Museum, Vienna. Right, Lucy skeleton, Cleveland Natural History Museum. Source: CC BY 2.0 /CC BY-SA 4.0/CC BY-SA 4.0/CC BY SA 2.0

Lucy Stood Just 3.5 feet Tall But Towers Over Our Understanding of Human Origins

Denise Su /The Conversation In 1974, on a survey in Hadar in the remote badlands of Ethiopia, U.S. paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson and graduate student Tom Gray found a piece of an elbow joint...
A cave art prehistoric hunting scene. Source: Maxim Chuev/Adobe Stock

New Study Suggests Humans Developed Endurance by Running After Prey

Over the course of its long evolutionary history, Homo sapiens (modern humans) gradually developed the ability to run faster and to continue running for longer and longer periods of time without...
Reconstruction of the locomotor behavior and paleoenvironment of Lufengpithecus.	Source: Illustration by Xiaocong Guo; image courtesy of Xijun Ni, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

How Did Humans Learn to Walk? New Evolutionary Study Offers an Earful

New York University Humans and our closest relatives, living apes, display a remarkable diversity of types of locomotion—from walking upright on two legs to climbing in trees and walking using all...
A comparison of great ape and human skeletons in genetic move to bipedalism. Source: Alexander Potapov/ Adobe Stock

New Study Sheds Light on Genetic Human Skeletal Changes that Led to Bipedalism

Researchers have conducted a groundbreaking study using imaging data from over 30,000 participants in the UK Biobank to gain insights into the genetic basis of human skeletal proportions and their...
3D computer generated illustration of male Australopithecus afarensis. Source: SciePro/Adobe Stock

Human Ancestor ‘Lucy’ Was Athletic and Walked Fully Upright, Finds New Study

In a groundbreaking discovery that rewrites our understanding of human evolution, a new study utilizing advanced 3D muscle reconstruction has revealed that Lucy, the 3.2-million-year-old fossil of an...
By observing chimpanzees in Tanzania, researchers concluded that humans evolved to being bipedal while they still lived in trees.       Source: Left; Mari_art / Adobe Stock; Right; Sam D'Cruz / Adobe Stock

The Evolutionary Leap to Bipedalism Took Place in Trees

Conventional wisdom says that ancient humans made the transition from walking on four legs to walking on two because they needed to travel more efficiently across open savanna land in Africa. But...
Representation of the modes of locomotion practiced by Sahelanthropus in Chad, Africa 7 million years ago, which is one million years earlier than current biped origins. (Sabine Riffaut, Guillaume Daver, Franck Guy / PALEVOPRIM / CNRS – University of Poitiers)

Human Ancestors Were Already Bipeds 7-Million Years Ago

It took millions of years for modern humans to evolve from apelike creatures to today’s Homo sapiens, ie. you and me. At various points along this long and arduous journey certain important...
A. Sebida hand bones show this human ancestor’s grip was similar to a modern human’s.       Source: Peter Schmid, courtesy of Tracy Kivell/University of Kent

2 Million-Year-Old Human Ancestor Had A Grip Just Like Us

Inhabiting what is now modern-day South Africa, an ancient human ancestor, Australopithecus sediba, that lived two million years ago had hands that might have enabled it to carry out some movements...
Bones from the hand of a male human ancestor Danuvius guggenmosi.	Source: Christoph Jäckle / Nature

Evidence Suggests Human Ancestor Walked Upright In Trees

Scientists have described an 11.62 million-year-old ape that moved like no other creature on Earth using its human legs and orangutan arms. A team of scientists from Eberhard Karls University of...
Birth of Esau and Jacob (public domain)

Birthing Trauma Comes from Two Million Years of Walking Upright

Birthing a human child is always painful and can be a drawn-out process threatening the lives of both mother and baby. The ordeal sometimes even lasts for days. However, chimps have a much easier job...