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Poseidon, god of the Mediterranean Sea. Source: Luke / Adobe Stock

Poseidon’s Wrath: The Scourge of the Sea Peoples

Perhaps 3,000 years from now archaeologists will be debating the reasons for the diaspora that occurred in the lands around the Mediterranean Sea during the early 21st century. What would have...
The precious stone ring up close and clean. (Israel Antiquities Authority)

Ancient Precious Stone Ring Found In Israel: Cure For Hangovers?

A centuries-old spectacular precious stone ring has been recovered from an excavation site in the city of Yavne in central Israel, the Israel Antiquities Authority has announced . The type of stone...
A skull from a 10th-9th century BC burial in the excavation of the Philistine cemetery in Ashkelon. New research on Philistine DNA reveals their southern European origins. Source: Tsafrir Abayov/Leon Levy Expedition

DNA Shows Biblical Philistines Came From Europe

New research on Philistine DNA reveals that the Biblical enemies of the Israelites were newcomers to the region in the 12th century BC. Where did they come from? Their genes suggest Southern Europe...
500-Year-Old Fisherman House and Wealth of Artifacts Discovered in Historic City of Ashkelon

500-Year-Old Fisherman House and Wealth of Artifacts Discovered in Historic City of Ashkelon

A building used by fishermen in the Ottoman period, which contained fishing weights and fishhooks, was exposed in an archaeological excavation conducted in Ashkelon Excavations in the coastal city of...
The young man on the 1,800 year old sarcophagus, Ashkelon, Israel

Builders Uncovered Unique Sarcophagus in Israel… and Hid It

A 1,800 year old sarcophagus believed to have belonged to a young Roman man has been returned to the Israeli Antiquities Authority (IAA) after initially being hidden by builders. The sarcophagus is...
Infant skeleton found beneath Roman bathhouse in Ashkelon, Israel

The discovery of a mass baby grave under Roman bathhouse in Ashkelon, Israel

Along the shores of Israel's Mediterranean coast, in the ancient seaport of Ashkelon, archaeologist Ross Voss made a gruesome find. While exploring one of the city’s sewers, he discovered a large...