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Sarcophagus of Tutankhamun with close up on the crook and flail. 	Source: Public Domain

Why Did the Humble Crook and Flail Symbolism Appeal to the Pharaohs?

Kings and queens, monarchs, emperors and rulers all over the world, through time immemorial, have had the responsibility of leading their people and defending their kingdoms. Monarchs are viewed as...
Could the Egyptian Ankh Symbol Be Spawned of the Viscera of Bulls?

Could the Egyptian Ankh Symbol Be Spawned of the Viscera of Bulls?

The ankh symbol has for centuries been a symbol of eternal life, the universe, the divine, and other religious and metaphysical ideas. It was originally used as a symbol in ancient Egypt to represent...
The sacred and magical sistrum of ancient Egypt

The sacred and magical sistrum of ancient Egypt

The sistrum was one of the most sacred musical instruments in ancient Egypt and was believed to hold powerful magical properties. It was used in the worship of the goddess Hathor, mythological...
Secret Tomb found in Egypt

Archaeologists find 4,000 year-old tomb of prominent doctor to pharaohs southwest of Cairo

A Czech archaeological mission in Egypt has discovered a 4,000-year-old tomb which belonged to a prominent doctor to the pharaohs in the fifth dynasty, which began its rule shortly after 2,500 BC...