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Ancient Places

Ancient places can be found all over the world. Their fascinating histories and impressive artifacts open intriguing glimpses to times past, and visiting such ancient places in the world can be an unforgettable experience.

Science is constantly discovering new archaeological places and uncovering more evidence into what we once thought we knew about our history, therefore offering new pieces to the ever changing puzzle of humanity’s past and altering how we interpret it. This section will present the most interesting archaeological sites all over the world, as well as new discoveries of ancient places that are worth paying a visit.

Leptis Magna to the east of Khoms

Three ancient cities to rival London, Paris and New York

London, Paris and New York are global cities: modern hubs for travel, technology and trade, their names and images echo around the globe, capturing our imaginations with their distinctive histories,...
Anthromorphic clay figurines from the Sao civilization, Chad.

Lost in the Mists of Time: The Ancient Sao Civilization in Central Africa

The Sao Civilization was an ancient culture located in Central Africa, in an area which is today partly owned by the countries of Cameroon and Chad. They settled along the Chari River, which is...
A Muisca observatory or calendar, El Infiernito, Colombia

El Infiernito: Sacred Site of the Muisca Civilization of Colombia

El Infiernito ( Little Hell), is a pre-Columbian archaeological site near Villa de Leyva in Monquira, Colombia, that was built by the agricultural Muisca civilization that lived between 600-1600 AD...
Peterborough Stone petroglyphs - Canada

Petroglyphs Left in Canada by Scandinavians 3,000 Years Ago?

By Tara MacIsaac , Epoch Times Hundreds of petroglyphs are etched on a slab of crystalline limestone about 180-by-100 feet (a third the size of a football field) in Peterborough, Canada. They may...
Ancient graffiti found at the Gutmana Ala cave, Sigulda, Latvia

The Gutmana Ala: The Legendary Cave of the Good Man and the Rose of Turaida

The Gutmana Ala, or Gutman’s (Good Man’s) cave in English, is today located in the Sigulda region of the Gauja National Park in Latvia. Apart from Sigulda, this national park extends over several...
Long Meg and Her Daughters, Eden Valley, Cumbria.

The Legend of the Stone Circle known as Long Meg and Her Daughters

By April Holloway | The Epoch Times Despite their pervasiveness throughout the world, with thousands scattered across Britain and Europe alone, stone circles never cease to arouse awe and intrigue in...
These Taino gods were carved at the Ponce site at least 500 years ago.

The last traces of the Taino: Puerto Rican ceremonial sites stand as testament of a rich culture

An ancient ball court, a midden mound and about 400 burials that date back to before Europeans arrived in the Caribbean were found on the Portugues River in Puerto Rico several years ago. The site...
The Great Tomb at Hili, Al Ain, built around 3000 BC

The Lost Desert Cities of Dubai: The Hidden History

Dubai cultivates an ultra-modern image of dazzling architecture and effortless wealth. Yet its deserts conceal forgotten cities and a hidden history which reveal how its early inhabitants adapted and...
The Temple of the Sun, in front of which almost 100 bodies, including many infants, were excavated from an unlooted tomb.

Ring of Babies: The disturbing scene found in 1,000-year-old tomb in Peru

A disturbing scene unfolded as archaeologists in Peru excavated a 1,000-year-old tomb at the pre-Inca Pachacamac site several years ago: a ring of babies that had been buried with their heads facing...
The northeastern corner of an Indonesian national monument. In this section the Majapahit Empire is depicted including Gajah Mada at the nearest right. Jakarta, Indonesia.

The Majapahit Empire: The Short Life of an Empire that Once Defeated the Mongols

The Mongols are perhaps best known as one of history’s greatest conquerors. As they extended their borders, numerous empires were destroyed and dynasties replaced. Perhaps less well-known is the...
A view over Kharanaq, Iran.

The 4,000-Year-Old Abandoned Mud-Brick Town of Kharanaq, Iran: A Photographic Look

Sitting in a remote valley about 70km (43 miles) north of Yazd in Central Iran, is the deserted and crumbling mud-brick village of Kharanaq. The site has been occupied for approximately 4,000 years,...
The damp, dark, and chilling chambers and tunnels of the Edinburgh Vaults.

Body Snatchers and Tortured Spirits: The Dark History of the South Bridge Vaults of Edinburgh

Beneath the ancient fortified city of Edinburgh, Scotland lies the South Bridge Vaults—notorious underground tunnels and chambers which became the dwelling places of the impoverished and the...
The walls of Khami, Zimbabwe (Wikimedia Commons)

The Ancient Khami Ruins in Zimbabwe: the Capital of the Kingdom of Butua

Around the middle of the 15th century AD, the city of Great Zimbabwe was abandoned. The abandonment of its capital city marked the collapse of the African Kingdom of Zimbabwe. One of the results of...
My Son temple, Quang Nam, Viet Nam

Hindu Temples and a Fallen Kingdom in Viet Nam: The My Son Sanctuary

My Son is a unique Hindu sanctuary located in central Viet Nam. It was the capital of the Champa Kingdom and in use from the 4th to 13th century AD. The site once contained over 70 structures of...
The Jahaz Mahal, Mandu, India

The Ancient Indian City of Mandu: A Fort and Pleasure Palace

The city of Mandu is located in the present day Dhar district situated in the Malwa region of the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. Perched atop a 20 square km plateau, the ruined city is not...
Paro Taktsang Monastery, Bhutan

Paro Taktsang: The Breathtaking Himalayan Cloud Monastery

Bhutan is a small country in South Asia and the home of many sacred sites and monasteries associated with Buddhism. One of these sacred monasteries is called Paro Taktsang or Taktsang Palphug...
The iconic features of Mont Saint-Michel in the evening light.

Medieval Mont St-Michel: The Sacred Castle in the Sea

Considered one of the wonders of the Western World, Mont St-Michel is a medieval fortress in France, sitting on top a rocky island in the ocean. Floating like a mirage on the horizon, this sacred...
Zedekiah's Cave, Jerusalem, Israel

Cave of Zedekiah: The Secret Grotto of Jerusalem

For over 300 years, Zedekiah’s Cave was the stuff of legend, another story out of Jerusalem . However, one day in the winter of 1854, American missionary James Turner Barclay was walking his dog with...
The Ziggurat at Chogha Zanbil

Chogha Zanbil: an Unfinished Elamite Site with a Unique Ziggurat

The ziggurat is arguably the most distinct architectural feature of the Mesopotamian civilization. Nevertheless, some of these structures have been found to exist outside the area once occupied by...
The altar in the lower chamber, Mamertine prison  Rome, Italy

The Infamous Mamertine Prison and the Supposed Incarceration of Saint Peter

The Mamertine Prison (a.k.a Carcere Mamertino in Italian) is an ancient prison located in Rome at the foot of Capitoline Hill overlooking the ruins of the Roman forum. When it was built, this was...
The ruins of the Pucará de Rumicucho, San Antonio de Pichincha, Ecuador

Pucara de Rumicucho Is More than just an Incan Stone Fortress

The ruins of the Pucará de Rumicucho are well-preserved walls of an Pre-hispanic, Incan fortress. They are located a one hour drive north of Quito, Ecuador. The fortress was built in the end of the...
A red lake. Representational image only.

Lake of Blood: The dark history of Laguna Yahuarcocha, Ecuador

Laguna Yahuarcocha, meaning blood lake in the Kichwa language, is a sacred lake of Ecuador. Looking across the still water in the picturesque region of Ibarra, it is hard to imagine that it was once...
Sans-Souci: The Ruined Palace of King Henry I of Haiti

Sans-Souci: The Ruined Palace of King Henry I of Haiti

Often called the Palace of Versailles of the Caribbean, the Palace of Sans-Souci, in Haiti, was constructed during the early 19th Century as the royal residence of King Henry I. He was a self-imposed...
Ruins of the Church of the Granite columns, Old Dongola, Sudan

The rich history of the ancient Nubian Kingdom of Dongola

Following the collapse of the Kingdom of Kush during the 4 th century BC, a political vacuum was left in the region it controlled, now modern day Sudan and southern Egypt. This void was filled by the...
