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Ancient Origins

Image from the poster of Uncharted. Source: Clay Enos / Columbia Picture / Sony Pictures Entertainment

Ancient Origins Features in Box Office Hit Film Uncharted

With mystery, treasure and the hunt for answers as its theme, Ancient Origins was a natural choice for the film makers of $400 million (£323 million) grossing feature film Uncharted to use as the...
There were two main goals to the Tayos expedition 2019 – exploring cave entrances and discovering more about the rock formations. Source: All images are copyright Ancient Origins.

Cueva de los Tayos Expedition 2019: Finding Answers in Amazonia

The Cueva de Los Tayos Expedition 2019 was an adventure no one will forget! Our expedition had two main goals – to find more cave entrances and to solve the mystery of the rock formations we called...
'A May Day celebration’ by William Powell Frith.

May Day’s Weird and Wonderful Pagan Roots

May 1st is an ancient Northern Hemisphere festival, now known as ‘May Day’, which traditionally marked the return of summer. It is believed that the celebrations originated in agricultural rituals...
Caïn by Henri Vidal, 1896.

How to Save Ancient Origins from Becoming History! Facebook is Filtering Your Newsfeed

Never mind using genetic engineering to bring back the Wooly Mammoths or Sabre-Tooth Tigers from extinction – keep them on ice! Right now, we need your help in stopping Ancient Origins from becoming...
Ancient Origins Free Ebooks.

4th Year Anniversary - Unravelling Ancient Myths and Legends FREE Ebook

To mark the occasion of our 4 Year Anniversary, Ancient Origins has released our biggest ebook yet - titled “Unravelling Ancient Myths & Legends”. The ebook is a compilation of...
3 Free Ebooks from Ancient Origins

3rd Year Anniversary - Unravelling Ancient Mysteries FREE Ebook

To mark the occasion of our third year anniversary, as we do every year, we are releasing a Free Ebook for all our readers titled ‘Unravelling Ancient Mysteries’. This ebook is a...
Ancient Origins App

Our Mobile App is now available

The Ancient Origins App is all new and better than ever! You can download the app for free! The new app provides a far better user experience and lots of great features for all those who access our...
Unravelling Mysteries Ebook

Unravelling the Mysteries of Ancient Places Ebook

To mark the occasion of our one year anniversary, Ancient Origins wanted to give something back to our readers for making it such an enjoyable website and community to be part of. The ebook is a...