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Abbasid Caliphate

A 14th century depiction of the siege of Baghdad by the Mongols in 1258, which brought the Abbasid Caliphate to an end. Source: Public Domain

Medieval Baghdad: Rise and Fall of the City of Peace (Video)

The history of Medieval Baghdad epitomizes the grandeur and eventual demise of a cultural epicenter. Emerging as the Abbasid Caliphate's capital in the 8th century, Baghdad burgeoned into a thriving...
Representative image of a soldier from the Abbasid Caliphate. Source: Harry / Adobe Stock

From Splendor to Ruin: The Epic Tale of the Abbasid Caliphate

The Abbasid Caliphate was an Arabic dynasty that ruled over much of the Muslim world for over 500 years. It rose from bloody beginnings to become the center of the Muslim world during the Islamic...
Abbasid palace in Baghdad, Iraq. Source: pop_gino/Adobe Stock

The End of an Empire - The Fall of the Abbasids (Video)

In the 8th century Middle East, the Abbasid Caliphate rose to power, overseeing an era later hailed as Islam's golden age. However, internal strife marked its decline. Caliph Harun al-Rashid's well-...
AI representation of Hadi Sultan of the Abbasid Caliphate.	Source: Studio shunalamya/Adobe Stock

Islam's 'Golden Age' - Rise of the Abbasids (Video)

In the 8th-century Middle East, the rise of the Abbasids marked a significant chapter in Islamic history. Seizing control of the vast Islamic Caliphate , the Abbasids held sway for five centuries,...
Islamic scientist at work ( Kemal/Abode Stock)

The Golden Age Of Islamic Astronomers

Astronomical understanding, accurate calendars and knowledge of exact geographic latitudes and longitudes were essential for all Islamic cities and towns. This body of astronomical knowledge was not...
La Vengeance des fils d'Antar by Nasreddine Dinet (1898) (Public Domain)

The Zanj Rebellion, Revolt Of African Slaves Against The Abbasid Caliphate

Tucked away in an obscure chapter of medieval history, the Zanj rebellion, which raged between 869 to 883 AD, originating in the city of Basra in present-day Iraq, remains relatively unknown to the...
Teenage volunteers taking part in a summer holiday excavation discovered an impressive hoard of rare 24-carat gold coins in Israel dating back to around 1,100 years ago. Source: Yoli Schwartz / Israel Antiquities Authority

Teenagers Find Hoard of Islamic Gold Coins in Israel

A couple of teenagers volunteering on an archaeological site have uncovered a treasure trove of gold coins in Israel . The cache of 24-carat gold coins is said to date back over a thousand years. It...
The Yavne gold coins were found during the Jewish holiday Chanukah. (Liat Nadav-Ziv / Israel Antiquities Authority)

Priceless Gold Coins Discovered in Ancient ‘Piggy Bank’ in Israel

Israeli archaeologists have discovered a small treasure trove of gold coins in an ancient ‘piggy bank’, which is believed to be the personal savings of a potter that worked in a kiln around 1200...
Arabian Nights by Jean-Joseph Benjamin Constant (1845 – 1902) (Public Domain)

Romance of the Beautiful Slave and the Rebellious Ruler: Al-Khayzuran and Al-Mahdi

Arabian Nights conjure up images of romantic love stories of slave girls’ rags to riches journeys of the heart. We celebrate Valentine’s Day with the real love story of such a slave girl. It was not...