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View of the Sahure pyramid from the outside at Abusir, Egypt. Right; Dr. Mohamed Khaled, project leader, during the excavations in the Sahure pyramid.           Source: Mohamed Khaled / Uni Würzburg, Sailingstone Travel/Adobe Stock

Eight New Chambers Revealed at the Sahure Pyramid

Described as a ‘very significant’ find, eight rooms, that probably accommodated royal grave goods, have been uncovered in the Pyramid of Sahure in Abusir, Giza. These chambers, obscured from the...
The spheroids of 'Ubeidiya.   Source: Muller, A., et al. /Royal Society Open Science

Scientists Think 1.4 Million-Year-Old Stone Spheroids Were Deliberately Crafted

In the 1960s, when scientists conducted excavations at a site dating back 1.4 million years in northern Israel, they encountered a baffling discovery - they uncovered nearly 600 stone ‘balls’ amongst...
Pavlopetri ruins and reconstruction

Pavlopetri: 5,000-Year-Old Town Discovered Underwater in Greece

Nothing sparks the imagination of history enthusiasts quite like underwater discoveries, ranging from sunken cities to the millions of shipwrecks still unexplored on the seabed. The bottom of the...
The grave holding one of the skeletons and the four skulls. (FAS Heritage / Fair UseThe reconstructed face of the clansman who was killed in the 15th century.

Scientists Unravel Mystery of 15th Century Six-Headed Burial

Scientists have begun unravelling the mystery of an ancient Scotsman found in a mysterious “six-headed” burial and now believe his death was connected to a violent period of Highland clan warfare...
A digital reconstruction of 'Hilda', the female druid, by MSc Forensic Art student Karen Fleming. Source: University of Dundee.

Hilda, A 2000-Year-Old Scottish Female Druid, Rises From The Grave

A Scottish student using a rare Celtic female druid’s skull has recreated her head and face in a 3D wax model. The toothless old woman from Stornoway, known as ‘Hilda', is believed to have lived on...
Left: Lilias reconstructed face as she may have looked when alive. (Dundee University) Right: 3D imagery created from the photo of Adie’s skull. (National Library of Scotland)

Face of Notorious “Witch” Digitally Reconstructed 300 Years after her Death

A group of elite forensic scientists from the University of Dundee, has reconstructed digitally the face of one of Scotland's most notorious “witches”, Lilias Adie. The only documents that helped...
One of the scenes created by the research team, depicting a small temple in the surrounds of Angkor Wat. Tom Chandler and Brent McKee (Monash University)

Amazing Reconstruction Shows Daily Life Around Angkor Wat in Remarkable and Beautiful Detail

A new project called Digital Angkor has reconstructed Angkor Wat and its surrounding environment in exceptional detail, shedding light on what daily life would have been like centuries ago at the...
Face of the Statue of Idrimi. Tell Atchana, Turkey, 16th century BC.

Valuable 3,500-Year-Old Statue of a Syrian Refugee Turned King from Aleppo Goes Online

A 3,500-year-old statue of a refugee from Aleppo, Syria, that has been in the British Museum for about eight decades due to conservation concerns, can finally be viewed by millions of people from...
Magnificent 3D Reconstruction of Pompeii Home Sheds Light on Life in the Ancient City Before its Destruction

Magnificent 3D Reconstruction of Pompeii Home Sheds Light on Life in the Ancient City Before its Destruction

Pompeii was an ancient Roman city near modern-day Naples in Italy, which was wiped out and buried under 6 meters of ash and pumice following the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. It is an eerie...
Lord of Sipan: First Time Real Face of 2,000-Year-Old Mochican Priest Revealed

Lord of Sipan: First Time Real Face of 2,000-Year-Old Mochican Priest Revealed

The face of a powerful ruler of the ancient Moche civilization of Peru, known as El Señor de Sipán (The Lord of Sipán), has been revealed for the first time following an intensive project to...
The reconstructed face of the young Egyptian woman.

The Face of a Beautiful Egyptian Woman Brought to Life from 2,000-Year-Old Mummy

The face of a young Egyptian woman who lived at least 2,000-years-ago has been reconstructed from a 3D print out of her skull. The forensic techniques employed revealed surprising facts about the...
Photograph of one of the chamber walls of the sarcophagus of Seti I, where you can see hieroglyphics regarding the second hour of the Book of Amduat and the sky and its constellations.

The Impressive Tomb of Pharaoh Seti I to Be Reborn in 3D

Seti I, son of Ramses I, was the chief of archers and a vizier. But before being a soldier and Pharaoh, he was a priest of Set, linked with Horus - the god of weapons, war, and the army. During his...
3D scans showed previously unreadable scenes carved into the Buddha’s robe.

Cosmic Buddha: High Tech Scan of Ancient Chinese Statue Reveals Stunning Illustrations Depicting Buddhist Teachings

Digital 3D scans carried out on a 6th century life-size statue of a monk have revealed stunning illustrations carved into the limestone that depict stories from the Buddha’s life and teachings. The...
3d Prehistoric Landscape

Explorable visualisation of a 3D digital prehistoric landscape

Most people would have taken a virtual tour at some stage, perhaps to capture a 360° view of a famous city or to preview a hotel room before making a reservation. But not many people would have...