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Detail of ‘Himiko, Queen of Yamataikoku.’ It is said this mysterious shaman queen of Japan had magic mirrors.

Researchers in Japan Discover the Secrets Behind Magic Mirrors and a Mysterious Shaman Queen

Magic mirrors are not just objects found in fairy tales. An experiment conducted on a replica bronze mirror in Kyoto’s National Museum shows that the original may be an example of an actual magic...
Himiko - Japan

Remains of building in Japan may be palace of ancient shaman Queen Himiko

Archaeologists in Japan have uncovered the remains of an ancient building that they believe was the palace of the shaman Queen Himiko , who is said to have ruled Yamatai in 3 rd century AD. Scholarly...
Magic Mirror - Japan

The magic mirror of shaman Queen used in ancient Japanese rituals

An experiment conduced earlier this year on a replica of an ancient bronze mirror held at Kyoto’s National Museum revealed that the original may have been used as a so-called magic mirror to conjure...